Turning Points In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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The Hunger Games is an astonishing reading experience that propels the reader to feel the emotions expressed by the characters throughout the novel. These emotions were expertly developed by Suzanne Collins to create an atmosphere of compassion and understanding. Katniss Everdeen was affected by turning points which caused great adversity, demonstrated her resilience and also discipline as a human being. While others would’ve backed down and gave up, Katniss persevered to accomplish her goals no matter the situation. Volunteering as tribute, losing her sister-like friend Rue and threatening her own life for the benefit of all the districts are all examples of turning points. In life we are all faced with points where everything changes, these …show more content…

I volunteer as tribute!” pg. 22 was the first sign of the discipline Katniss Everdeen possesses. Katniss was backed up against the wall, her sister was being sent off to die, so Katniss reacted. The reaping was a substantial turning point that molded the attitude used by Katniss to win the games. She established herself as a legitimate threat in the games at this point because of her fearlessness to protect her family. Further evidence suggests that Katniss was able to volunteer because of Gale. Gale is needed because someone has to support the Everdeen Family through this tough time. Katniss knows her mother is not strong so someone needs to be there in case she falls apart again. She is also prepared for the game, whether or not she knew it is a different story. She has the tools needed to survive in a hostile environment, this is because she is from …show more content…

The berries symbolized a rebellion, an act against the capitol. Threatening your life is something that will help a nation grow and develop values that the rules are comprised of. Katniss is going to be haunted by this stunt for the rest of her life because peace is a delicate thing. President Snow knows that Katniss is messing with it. He will make her pay for that mistake until his last breath. The berries also saved their lives because one of them had to die, without the berries there would one more family mourning the loss of their child. The Everdeen’s would be torn apart and Gale would as well, another loss in family could have been unsurmountable. This turning point set up major conflicts for the future of Panem and the tributes. The capitol is very unpredictable, who knows what they will do

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