Golf Reflection Paper

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I learned a lot about golf throughout the duration of this eight week course. I will first explain some of the knowledge and skills that I learned and how they relate to my well-being. Next, I will talk about how golf has helped me improve wellness, regarding three of the eight dimensions of wellness, in my daily life. Finally, I will discuss how some things I learned in this class will benefit my wellness in future. Prior to the start of this course, I did not know enough things about the sport of golf as the number of fingers on both of my hands. Golf etiquette, specifically how much time you should use to take a shot after selecting a club, is something I learned. From the time you select a club to the time you swing and make contact with …show more content…

First, I physically got exercise when golfing. I got to walk the whole golf course a few times, which helped me get my daily steps in! It is important to get up and moving throughout the day because exercise is important for one’s overall wellness of their body. Second, I felt that golf really tested my emotional wellness, for it can be a frustrating game. I found out very quickly that my athletic abilities do not include golf, and that was very hard for me as someone who has always been a natural when it comes to sports. Emotional wellness is the ability to understand and deal with emotions. Dealing with my emotions while golfing was something I didn’t handle well at first. It was easy for me to have a bad attitude about the game and make comments about myself such as, “I suck at this,” or, “Wow I am so bad.” After the first two times I went golfing, I decided to have a change of attitude. I decided to deal with my emotions head on. No, I am not the best golfer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try to learn and get better. Finally, I benefitted in my social wellbeing as my ability to maintain satisfying and supportive relationships was reassured. Having the opportunity to golf with friends who happened to be successful golfers in high school was huge for me! I got to see a different side of my friends than I ever had, and it only gave me more things …show more content…

The game of golf can be incredibly mental, meaning that getting inside your own head happens if you allow it to. This happened to me often. By facing mental challenges in golf, I learned how to deal with a mental challenge. This can help me in my future because I have now been challenged mentally in a new way than ever before. Another benefit from this class is that I learned to play a game that I can play for the rest of my life. When I am old and unable to play volleyball anymore, I can take up golf with friends to stay active and social, which are two dimensions of

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