Five Elements Of Personality

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(A) Personality can be defined as “those relatively and enduring aspects of individuals which distinguish them from other people making them unique and at the same time allow for comparison between individuals.” (Gross 1992). An individual’s personality is seen as an important determent of their work based behaviour. Organisational benefits are often associated to the personality of the workers in the organisation although organisational problems are also attributed to the personality of the workers such as personality flaws, personality clashes and conflicts within the workplace. Personality is one of the many factors influencing behaviour in an organisation. Psychologists have established five elements which outline the distinct differences …show more content…

Extroversion is considered the value of being comfortable and secure with relationships. There are two types of individuals. Some individuals may have high extroversion these are considered Extroverts while on the other hand some individuals may have low extroversion and these are considered Introverts. The difference between both is huge. Extroverts can be described as sociable, active, risk takers and they tend to be tough minded. People who are considered extroverts are assertive and also search for excitement. “Research suggests that extroverts tend to achieve high overall in job performance. They are also more likely to be attracted to jobs based on personal relationships, such as sales and marketing positions.” (Organisational Behaviour, managing people and organisations > Griffin/Moorhead > Eight edition) Extroverts are characterised by the fact that they express their energies outwards to other peoples behaviour and reactions. Extroverts experience problems in the workplace when working alone they tend to become very bored lacking company, when looking back on key issues, when thinking before acting and also when concentrating on a single duty. In comparison to introversion which is considered a social discomfort. Introverts can be described as quiet, reserved, pessimistic and are effective planners. In contrast to extroverts introverts are much less sociable, less talkative and less assertive. They …show more content…

People who are open to experience “have the capacity to entertain new ideas and to change as a result of the new information” (O.B Managing People and Organisations > Moorhead / Griffin) They are willing to listen to new information and different ideas and are willing to change their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes in response to the new information and different ideas. They can be described as curious, imaginative, creative and have broad interests. Individuals that are considered open to experience have enhanced interactions with others, are known as good communicators and they also adapt well to change in their lives “openness involves active imagination, attention to inner feelings, preference for variety and intellectual curiosity” (Costa and McCrae 1992) In complete comparison some individuals are not open to experiences. These people tend to be less receptive to new information and different ideas. They don’t particularly like the thought of changing their thoughts and beliefs. People who are less open to experience prefer traditional and familiar routines rather than new experiences and change in their life. They can be described as practical, down to earth and have narrow interests.(B) Managers in the workforce should understand this element of personality. He should be able to distinguish between the two types as it is important he chooses the right person for the right job. Workers who

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