Explain Why I Choose Nursing As A Career

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Why did I choose nursing as a career? I chose nursing as my career choice because I love the idea of helping others and doing what I can to provide them with what they need. I also choose nursing as my career choice because I am interested in learning new things and using them in a social aspect. I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. I always loved taking care of other people. I really went head over heels onto this career path when I was a freshman in high school. I started on this path when my mother fell sick and was in the hospital for six months when I was fifteen years old and the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. Finally after six months my mom’s obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) doctor diagnosed her with chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS). From that moment on I decided I was going to push forward and pursue a career in nursing. In eleventh grade I started taking medical course. By the time I graduated high school I was a certified nursing assistant (CNA). Since high school I have been trying to get into nursing school …show more content…

My personality plays into this decision because I am investigative, social, and conventional. Being investigative helps me to learn new things and help people solve their problems. Being social allows me to help others even if they are complete strangers. Being conventional allows me to take data and process it, such as taking a patients symptoms and figuring out what is going on with them. My life situations played into this decision because when my mom got hurt I wanted to do everything I could to make it better for her. My family life contributes to this decision because my family motivates me to do what is best and set a goal and aim for it. My family is my biggest support

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