College Admissions Essay: A Career In High School

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As a senior in high school, I had to solve equations in math using letters, or when I had to do word problems that didn’t make any sense too what I need to know for outside of school. Everything we do in school don’t necessarily prepare us for society. Education to me is I think it’s very useful only for certain things. A lot of jobs and careers now- and- days doesn’t require education, you can be successful without a diploma, but
My history as a student for t the most part I am really good. I do all my work that’s given to me. I also make sure all my work is turned in on time, if it’s late it will only be at least a day late. Since high school, I never been in trouble about nothing serious, I'm very calm quiet, and laid back. Sometimes I get frustrated when I don’t do my work right, but I get it done. I do the best I can with all my work before I ask for any type of help. At times I get frustrated when …show more content…

The career i chose which is to be a neonatal nurse, it requires a lot of work and attention. It also takes up a lot of time and studying which is something I hate doing but is going to have to get used to. Although it requires so much time and studying I still will do it because that’s something I really want to do. When i go to college I plan on putting 87% of my time in it. Being a neonatal nurse is something I always wanted to do. Chose that career because I really love babies. Another reason is because i really like helping people as well. When I was little I always wanted baby dolls for christmas, and I also liked helping people with things. I always liked to participate in helping give things away to people in need and I still do. The significance of this story is I really want to be a neonatal nurse and studying and a lot of time is what's going to help me get to that point. When I graduate from high school I want to go to

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