Ethics In Nonprofit Organizations

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Ethics are the principles and values used by an individual to govern his or her actions and decisions and it is very important in an organization. The code of ethics within an organization must be developed to help guide the organization in its decisions, programs, and policies. Having an ethical organizational culture that consists of leaders and employees adhering to ethical standards can guide leaders in determining organizational procedures and outline acceptable behavior among staff. Ethical leaders can also help employees meet standards of good quality work, accomplish organizational goals, adhere to policies and rules within the organization, and enhances the organization reputation within the community.
Leaders of nonprofit organizations must have key ethical qualities that are essential in the character and behavior of public nonprofits (Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management). These qualities are integrity, openness, accountability, service, and charity. Thomas H. Jeavons, author of Ethical Nonprofit Management Core Values and Key Practices states that certain ethical qualities such as integrity, honesty, openness, accountability, service, and a
Strong community relationships are critical to a successful organization. Consider the problems you might have if you could not supply the services the community the time that they need it. The community expects nonprofit organizations to operate in an ethical manner that enhances the image of the community as a whole. Behaving ethically brings some particular advantages with it. It makes your program more effective; it cements your standing in the community; it allows you to occupy the moral high ground when arguing the merits of your program, and to exercise moral leadership in the community; and it assures that you remain in good standing legally and

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