Essay On Camp Counselor Experience

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When I was a Camp counselor at Camp Mendocino, the most important part of my job was to make sure my campers were safe, comfortable, and were enjoying their camp experience. My responsibilities were facilitating and helping organize activities for the campers. I also gained valuable experience with conflict mediation, and problem solving. I was trained to know what to do in emergency situations, and social situations such as bullying. One of the most important lessons I learned from the experience is when to be a friend, and when to be professional. I believe this experience relates to the resident assistant role because it does consist of similar responsibilities. Both jobs require the individual to provide comfort and supervision. Not only do the two resemble similar rules, that one must enforce and abide by, to be an RA or camp counselor you must be able to put yourself in your supervisees’ shoes. As a second year student I definitely have had my fair share of stress and hard times from the transition from high school to independence. Just like a camp counselor I would be able to give comfort to homesick students and tell them things do get easier. I also have experience with running events and activities that are both safe and fun, and I can stay calm and act fast in an urgent situation. …show more content…

College is in many ways similar to camp. The transition away from home, whether you come from another quiet small town or a major city can be extremely difficult. Sometimes the emotional stress of being homesick is a lot to bare. Something I would tell those students is, “ it takes courage to come here, and if you give this place a chance, not only will you find rare opportunities, you may find

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