A child sexual abuse treatment program at

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The purpose of this study is to develop a child sexual abuse treatment program is to create awareness among overall community members towards child rights protection and child safety. It plans to implement this program in the schools of the county of Florida; Okeechobee.

Child abuse is the biggest problem for any society. It has become a major issue for discussion due to its seriousness and brutality.
Through research it has been found that one out of ten children has the probability to get abused before the age of 18 years. It causes mental trauma and a continuous pain to those who have faced it, an unforgettable incident which will always haunt them. It has been found that people who are sexually exploited face lifelong psychological problems. It causes post traumatic stress syndrome, problems in relationships, depression, substance abuse and even leads to suicide.
It is not a problem of one region, place, or area. It is not the problem for any single society, race, or status but its adverse impacts are frightful for all, across the globe.
The emotional trauma in addition to the physical harm can cause many serious diseases to the victim. The problems like heart diseases, strokes, obesity, speech troubles, sleeplessness, and infectious diseases are the major physical troubles which it can cause (Lipovsky).
The abuse is a social problem and causes a number of difficulties in small innocent children; they forget living their lives normally. Some researchers have stated that it has certain short term problems like anger, difficulty in expressing oneself. Another problems are depression, anxiety, nightmares etc. It also causes severe sexual dysfunctions; difficulties in studies, sense of betrayal and other adverse long...

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...rting knowledge of safe-unsafe touching and rules for safety. The methods which can be used here will be using pictorial cards for teaching various safety lessons, short movies and videos. Children of this age group can learn so such story books will be provided to them.

Letters will be given to their parents to enhance this learning and building trust. This session will cover rules to keep oneself safe and understanding a person. They should not trust anybody easily. For this age group number of sessions needed will be more as the children became very curious at this age, so 18 sessions will be held .It will be of half an hour to forty five minutes.

These kind of teaching given at other places has generated high awareness and positive responses from students and their parents.,
The other age group is more week emotionally but grown up age of six to twelve years.

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