Consequences Of Reconstruction

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Reconstruction was started by Abraham Lincoln and his plan was to return the south states quickly. After his assassination Andrew Johnson, who assumed presidency, adopted the same view of reunion. While he wants to give presidential pardon to high ranking confederate officers and politicians as soon as they show loyalty for reunion, he don’t want to extend freedom for slaves. Other northerners weren’t happy of the president action in the situation where the southerners weren’t showing any cooperation. White southerners used to come up with a legal means that bring African-American under their control. As it has stated by the video of Unit 5 SA Lesson 25, “some states passed laws specifically designed to restrict the freedom of African-Americans. These laws known as the “Black Codes,” prohibited ex-slaves from owning guns or knives, from traveling without a pass, from serving on juries or giving testimony against whites. One law in particular seemed hardly distinguishable from slavery itself; it made it illegal for blacks to be unemployed” …show more content…

After that the white southerners took power and blacks lost the little rights they saw for short period of time, and went back to the pre-war era. The outcome of the reconstruction wasn’t in the control of the black hands. Reconstruction was successful in unifying as one country again, even though it has ended before many of its goals unaccomplished. Reconstruction couldn’t protect slaves from white prosecution. Since financial institutions and banking institutions of the south were destroyed during the civil war there were no cash in the hand of the white southerners. Since former slaves had no land and capital that they were forced to work for those white southerners who had large farmers for the share of crops (Reconstruction: Sharecropping). Sharecropping placed former slaves to poverty and under white

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