Southern United States Essays

  • Southern United States Cuisine

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    In comparison to the northern colonies, the southern colonies were quite numerous in their agricultural diet and failed to have a central region of culture. The uplands and the lowlands created up the two main elements of the southern colonies. The slaves and poor of the south typically ate an identical diet, that consisted of the many of the native New World crops. salt-cured or smoke-cured pork typically supplement the vegetable diet. Rural poor typically ate squirrel, possum, rabbit and alternative

  • Nat Turner's Rebellion In Southern United States

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    white society. The rebellion was so corrupt that it took a military to take down Turner’s rebellion. Turner and nearly 55 other enslaves were captured and executed by the state of Virginia. The outcome of Nat Turner rebellion triggered the whites to reinforce laws for states making things illegal for the black society. Several states passed laws that consisted of being illegal to teach blacks to read and

  • Southern United States Deforestation

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    Deforestation in the Southern United States Introduction In the Southern Region of the United States, a pressing human-environmental problem looms large: deforestation. This historically rooted issue has evolved due to various human activities impacting the environment. Deforestation, predominantly driven by industrialization, agriculture, and urban expansion, has led to significant environmental degradation, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and other detrimental effects. The South, renowned

  • The Effects of Erosion and Loss of Marsh Land in the Southern United States

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    Motivation for Research and Objectives Louisiana contains approximately 40% of the coastal wetlands of the lower forty-eight states. Louisiana has lost up to forty square miles of marsh per year for several decades (accounting for 80% of the nation’s annual coastal wetland loss) ( From a hydrologic standpoint, the wetlands replenish aquifers, hold excess floodwaters from intense rainfalls, and provide storm surge protection. The Nation also benefits from Louisiana’s coastal lands

  • Naive Art: Southern United States and Balkans Region of Southeastern Europe

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    congruence in the rich (often naturally derived) color choices, distorted or fantastically unreal use of scale and perspective, and a seemingly optimistic or grandiose take on reality. I've chosen to compare the works of Naïve Artists from the Southern United States and the Balkans region of Southeastern Europe, to explore where their similarities and differences stem from, and to ask the question, what is it about their environment that impacts their art? My theory is that many of the similarities in

  • Effects Of Racism In A Gathering Of Old Men

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    Effects of Southern Racism in A Gathering of Old Men The life of African Americans is not pleasant. Southern African Americans established a hard lifestyle due to the denial of equal rights because of racism. Most problems are centered in the South, which is not surprising for their racist devotion for decades. African Americans encounter with racism started a Southern rebellion against the issue. Ernest J. Gaines’s novel A Gathering of Old Men connects how racism affects the Southern United States

  • The American South

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    still don't agree about the answers. Let's look at what might seem to be a simpler question: Where is the South? That's easy enough, isn't it? People more or less agree about which parts of the United States are in the South and which aren't. If I gave you a list of states and asked which are "Southern," all in all, chances are you'd agree with some of my students, whose answers are summarized in Figure 1. I don't share their hesitation about Arkansas, and I think too many were ready to put Missouri

  • The Other Side of the Enmancipation Proclamation

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    slavery was abolished and times changed in the united states. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free.”(Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863; Presidential Proclamations, 1791-1991; Record Group 11; General Records of the United States Government; National Archives.) Plantation farmers in the south were infuriated by the new law and seceded from the united states and made a confederacy, which brought about the

  • The Impact Of Southern Women's Use Of Slavery On Southern Women

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    Essentially southern women had little to no power outside of their domestic homes, and supported slavery as a means to escape the domestication that was demanded by the Antebellum South, by relying on the use of their slaves to handle women 's domestic chores and duties, while they focused on appearing as the ideal southern wife. The only way for women to escape their domestic responsibilities while keeping their image of a good wife, was through the purchase and use of slaves for their domestic

  • Cause of the American Civil War

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    slavery was, “Rock upon which the old Union would split” . While there is plenty to discuss why this was the cause of the war, the differences between the North and the South go much deeper then the question of slavery. Especially, since the Northern states tried slavery but it did not benefit them as well as it benefited the South. The last use of slaves in the North ended before 1850. While, slavery did play an influence and will be discussed how it did later, it is important to dispel some myths

  • The Ku Klux Klan During The Reconstruction Era

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    Civil War. This was a time of tension between white Americans and black Americans; many whites in the South were upset that black slaves had been emancipated as a direct result of the Civil War, in which the southern Confederate States lost. This created the perfect environment for southern whites to band together for the common goal of white supremacy, thus creating the KKK. “At the Klan’s peak in the 1920’s there were more than

  • After the Civil War: The New South

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    Was there a New South after the Civil War? What elements marked or did not mark the New South? After the Civil War, the South was in a state of political turmoil, social chaos, and economic decline. Contrary to popular belief, Northerners did not subject Southerners to unethical or inhumane punishment. The time post Civil War was filled with efforts toward reconstructing the South, yet there is the strong question if there even is a New South. Yes, there was somewhat of a New South economically

  • Analysis Of Apostles Of Disunion

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    In, “Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War,” Charles B. Dew analyzes the public letters and speeches of white, southern commissioners in order to successfully prove that the Civil War was fought over slavery. By analyzing the public letters and speeches, Dew offers a compelling argument proving that slavery along with the ideology of white supremacy were primary causes of the Civil War. Dew is not only the Ephraim Williams Professor of American History

  • Frederick Law Olmsted: The Father Of American Landscape Architecture

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    avid travel and had a keen eye for understanding the environment around him. He did not only evaluate the environment, but he also took interest in the people around the world as well. In Journey to the Southern Seaboard States, Frederick Olmsted travel to the southern states of the United States (we focused on Washington D.C., Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia). Olmsted describes his journey as travels. He goes into great detail about the environment, the people, and makes many comparisons of

  • Themes of Baptized in Blood

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    The Religion of the Lost Cause, 1865-1920 was greeted upon its release in 1980 with praise for breaking “new ground in Reconstruction and New South history” (Jones 263). The work has been called a sensible and not condemnatory interpretation of southern post-Civil War mythmaking based on the observation that “Southerners cannot escape their history,” and neither pacified nor at peace “did not really want to” (Jeansonne 2205). The subject matter was indeed familiar, but Wilson adopted a new approach

  • The Legacy of Lynching in the South

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    Lynching: the mob murder of someone who might be considered a public offender. While white Southerners may have considered themselves vigilantes, in reality they were killers with biased intent. In the Southern United States during the 1960s, lynching occurred frequently relative to standards such as today. Though lynching changed the lives of people directly connected to victims, they also changed mindsets and actions where they occurred and around the nation. Thus, the motives of racial based

  • Reconstruction The South Essay

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    Americans? Who was the one to end reconstruction the south or the north, what do you think? In the history of the United States the term reconstruction has two meanings. The first one is the history of the country from 1865 to 1877 then the Civil War was the second one is the transformation of the Southern United States from 1863 to 1877 as directed by Congress with the reconstruction of state and society.Who Killed Reconstruction the north or the south? The south killed reconstruction because The south

  • Dust Bowl Refugee Poem Analysis

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    Lomax. The song describes, in first person, the hardships of settlers in the section of the United States known as the Dust Bowl, as well as the struggles they faced in fleeing the region and trying to establish new homes in places such as California. This is certainly an appropriate song for discussing the class and social identity of a Southern community affected by migration, because although, the Southern identity is not directly referenced, numerous Southerners who migrated into these areas experienced

  • Cracker Barrel Essay

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    For forty-seven years, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store has offered locals and travelers of the highways a healthier southern, alternative dining experience. Cracker Barrel serves fresh, home-style cooking with southern hospitality and provides a nostalgic atmosphere. After eating a bountiful meal, you can browse and shop for a unique gift or grab a nostalgic snack at the old time country gift store located just down the hall. Thus, the Cracker Barrel offers visitors an exceptional dining experience

  • Differences Between Presidential And Congressional Reconstruction

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    With the end of the Civil war in 1865, the new nation of the United States now faced challenges on restoring peace within the Union. The North, having won the civil war, now faced the task to implement reconstruction of the South. They came in contact with the questions of: What should happen to the freed slaves, should the freed slaves have rights, what should be done to the Confederate leaders, and how should the South be reconstructed? There were many different ideas and views on how Reconstruction