Analysis Of Four Ways To Increase Employee Satisfaction

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The article “4 Ways To Increase Employee Satisfaction: Pay Attention” was originally published on June 24th, 2016 on Joan Moran is the author of this article and is also a creative thought leader, blogger, and wellness expert. Whenever Joan goes to a supermarket to purchase groceries, she always analyzes the persona and charisma of the cashier checking her out. This article breaks down how employee satisfaction has a high correlation with corporate success through out a company. The four important aspects that Joan explains will lead to employee satisfaction includes attitudes, employee’s needs, emotional connection, and how satisfied employees lead to higher corporate profits. Joan starts off by explaining how the …show more content…

This mainly ties into chapter 3 when we learned about employee attitudes, specifically organizational commitment. As addressed in the article, creating a positive work environment is crucial and two important factors of that are positive relationship-oriented leadership and support, as well as transparent communication. The second way Joan believes what increases employee satisfaction is meeting the employee’s needs. The specific requirements that a company should target include an employee’s emotional, physical, and monetary needs. When employee’s needs are met, this will likely lead to them becoming more engaged in their work and increase the level of energy, commitment, passion, and enthusiasm. This section of the article connects to the benefits of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Meeting certain aspects of employee needs will benefit a company by resulting in higher organizational citizenship behaviors, lower turnover, and greater motivation which then correlates to higher profitability, higher customer approval, less theft, and fewer

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