Government and People

645 Words2 Pages

Relationships are fleeting. They can be destroyed over the most fickle of things: slight differences of opinions, influence of other friends, arguments over the most ridiculous of things. But they can also be created as quickly as they can be dissolved. Two people may meet each other and instantly become best friends, leaving their other friends behind to scramble to find someone new to incessantly gossip and complain and bicker with. Once the people an individual used to associate with have moved on and one is left with only the person he/she deemed more worthy of attention than old friends, that person is apt to discover certain, unsavory, unbearable habits in the “friend” all of one’s trust bestowed in. Yet a person would rather continue to suffer with an individual one has grown to despise that be tossed back into the churning pot of society, supplied with a ceaseless supply of faces, opting for a negative relationship as opposed to discovering someone that genuinely compliments one’s own personality, enhances one’s sharpness of mind, clarifies one’s destined path. For as imperfect, naïve, self-deprecating humans, forever concerned with the perception of others, “we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of the siren till she transforms us into beasts” (Henry). All of humanity would prefer to sit idly by and watch as the world slowly cracked and crumbled to pieces around them instead of holding their ground, defending their individual rights, standing up to despotism of tyranny. Governments are inclined to engulf as much power as possible, as much autonomy as their subjects are willing to hand over to them. The state will dominate every aspect of a person’s life--occupation, religion, life de...

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...y cretinous; to them their spiritual beliefs are irrevocably superior, the rest of the world’s, merely savage, those who adhere to them in desperate, immediate need of “saving.” And as people continue to “pronounce those blessed who most nearly resemble the gods” (Aristotle), religion will inevitably and endlessly be a pawn in the hands of tyrants. Therefore, by authorizing religion and the fabricated stories of creation, falsified accounts of woman’s inferiority to man, and fictitious assertions that suffering is better than challenging tyranny that accompany it to dictate life choices, people will never truly be free, regardless of their government’s actions. But if humankind is naturally inclined to follow the laws of government and the apparent guidance of religion, how can humanity ensure that spiritual and intellectual individuality will ever be fully achieved?

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