Knowledge And Experience In Nursing: My Definition Of Nursing

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During my early years in practicing nursing, if asked what my thoughts were on nursing and how I know what I know, my response would have been that nursing was the act of caring for others and the knowledge we learned in nursing school. But throughout the years of education, experience and life my definition of nursing has evolved. I would define nursing as knowledge from inside us that grew and changed as we continue to change and grow in our profession. Nursing knowledge is the knowledge that is important to nurses and patients in understanding human health, which can be used for scientific, ethical and political knowledge. (Clarke, 2011) Knowledge can be learned by caring for the ill, preforming procedures, providing education, support, …show more content…

Aesthetic knowing is gained through knowledge and experience. In school, we learn about nursing by textbook and lectures, but in life we gain experiences through our patients and other nurses. Aesthetic as described by Oettinger is “situations and humans, while alike in general and predictable ways, remain unique and different. (Chinn & Kramer, 2015) According to Butts and Chinn (2015), aesthetic knowing in nursing is expressed by transformative art and acts. I knew through my aesthetic knowledge that 726 was angry because he was scared, did not understand what was happening or in fear of the future. He was looking for answers so he could understand what was happening to him and what to expect. He wanted someone to be angry at and blame. As nurses, we see death all too often. We see the process and understand what happens with death. 726 did not know what was going to happen or what to expect. 726 thought he would have to stay in the hospital till he died, would not be able to eat food again, would not see his home or family, and would not have any time left for the important things he sought out in life. As a nurse, I connected with him and learned about him as a person, not just a patient. I used my aesthetic knowledge to assist with putting the right resources into place so he could understand and know what was happening. Because I had experienced situations that mimicked his emotions of anger, confusion and circumstances of death, I could connect and help 726 resolve his

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