Code Of Ethics In A Civilized Society

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Nowadays, people are living in a civilized society. There are countless rules that are made to secure the best behaviors in humans, both in personal life or the professional life. Nothing can be done legally without the code of ethics, no matter where are you from. The code of ethics is connecting things and people in a whole system. Because of those ethical rules, the society is getting organized. At the same time, people’s lives are so much safer and happier compares to the old time that with weak ethical rules. Rules must adhere to the society. “Ethics help us navigate the gray area between absolute right and morally wrong.” (Brandscaping) When people go to the bathroom, they need to wait in lines; when people go to take a bus, they need …show more content…

Having a code of ethics leads to improved employee behavior, which is a huge part of culture for a standard company. Because employees are the people who create value for the company, in which way, they need to have honest and candid altitudes to the company. Having a code of ethic is a useful tool to manage an organization’s values, responsibilities, and ethical duties. To make the codes work, companies must put the code of conduct into the business so that employees know how it applies to them. The code is also a way for employees to get advice about ethical problems or concerns. “According to the 2009 National Business Ethics Survey, eighty-nine percent of those polled felt management adequately discussed the importance of ethical conduct. Similarly, 2008-2009 Integrity Survey, published by KPMG Forensic, it was found that ethics programs, including codes of conduct, had a strong impact on how employees felt. Ninety percent of those surveyed who worked in companies with a code of conduct felt they were motivated to do the right thing. This compares with just 43 percent of people who work in companies without strong codes of conduct.” (NCARB) The code of conduct plays an important role in the business no matter …show more content…

As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct. (National Society of Professional Engineers) All buildings are designed by engineers all over the world. Before workers build the building, engineers have to calculate numbers accurate. If any mistakes made, there would have a big issue. So as engineers, people have the most lumbersome responsibilities to give all humans a safe harbor. So teamwork is absolutely important at this moment. The power of one person is limited, but teamwork makes a big difference. In the team, team members need to respect, listen to each other’s advices so that they can have more ideas to build the building better. They all have the same responsibilities to the society. They build good buildings not only benefit for other people, but also they enjoy the good environment. When engineers design the house, they need to think about questions from an overall view. As a good citizen, the person needs to do some contributions to protect the

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