Journey into Cosmetology: A Personal Account

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The career I have chosen is cosmetology, more specifically the branch of hair and makeup(HMUA), Nails and skin are cool and all, but definitely not my thing. I became interested in cosmetology at a young age, I grew up in the era of the internet so I've always seen the beautiful girls, and sometimes guys, In their full faces of cosmetics for all their events. I always loved the stylish fun hair and winged cat eye eyeliner. I started wearing makeup on an everyday basis in sixth grade, also the first time I cut my hair myself, looking back upon it now, it wasn't very good at all, but I was having fun. The first time I ever dyed my hair was the day before my first day of seventh grade, I stained the bathroom pink and over the years it's gained …show more content…

This job interest me still because I like the idea of being able to help someone with their own confidence. Another thing that Nicole Gerberich said to me about the reason the enjoys this career field is ¨In the salon cancer patients would come in when their hair was growing back after chemo and to make them feel great again and give them a new style was always rewarding. ¨ This quote personally stuck with me because I recently watched my younger sister´s dad´s terrible journey through such a horrible disease, He passed a few days before school started but I'll always remember how he looked fifty years older in the short span of five months into his battle, I want to be able to help people cope even if it is in the slightest of ways such as making them feel confident again even if it's just for a short while. The main thing that drive me away from this job is definitely the social aspect, I have diagnosed anxiety, specifically social anxiety so the idea of my entire career revolving around one of my weaker points could be a mental challenge i'd have to face. I think researching this career threw in a bit of reality towards the aspect of growing up and actually having to get a job but I did decide this would be a career I would like. One of the main things that would effect my decision towards pursuing this career is the schooling, good grades are not my strong point, neither is my school attendance, which matters to get into the program that Barberton High School

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