Girl Essays

  • Summary Of Girls Will Be Girls By Kerry Cohen

    1332 Words  | 3 Pages

    In “Girls will be Girls”, the first chapter of the book “Dirty Little Secrets”, Kerry Cohen brings up a problem that is unnoticed by most people: American teenage girls, living in an appearance culture, are developing promiscuity as self-destructive behaviors. Cohen wants to inform her readers that this problem is very real, it is happening and should not be underestimated since it does not stop at just being a teenage girls’ thing during their puberty, as it often follows the girls to their adulthood

  • A Cosmopolitan Girl

    1128 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Cosmopolitan Girl Determined, realistic, and self-confident are not words that I hold to a specific gender. That might be the difference between someone who was born in generation x and the baby boomers and earlier. According to society these few words are associated with the male gender, since most of society that is able to determine what is and what is not acceptable are older we are labeled as a whole to have come to these conclusions. Perhaps June Jordan, the writer of Memo: 1980 knew

  • The Happy Girl

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Happy Girl Jackie's small features curled up in horror as I unceremoniously plopped down on the hotel room floor. "Ew! That's so disgusting, Sarah!" she exclaimed, stomping her slipper-clad foot soundly on the floor. "I can't believe that you're sitting on the carpet! You know how germ-a-phobic I am!" Rolling around some more, I laughed as her hands clasped around a jumbo-sized container of Lysol. Even on the band trip to Colorado, she was still as cautious of "infection" as ever. Shaking

  • The Shy Girl

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Shy Girl Ever since I can remember, I was naturally quiet and shy. I constantly repeated myself because people could not hear me the first time. Even then, I seldom made eye contact with others. When I entered high school, nothing changed. Soon afterward, I disliked the way my classmates thought of me. If someone had to make an announcement in class, I was not chosen; my classmates believed I was not vocal enough. If someone threw a party, I was not invited because they thought "Shy girls"

  • The Roaring Girl

    3981 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Roaring Girl Though its primary function is usually plot driven--as a source of humor and a means to effect changes in characters through disguise and deception—cross dressing is also a sociological motif involving gendered play. My earlier essay on the use of the motif in Shakespeare's plays pointed out that cross dressing has been discussed as a symptom of "a radical discontinuity in the meaning of the family" (Belsey 178), as cul-tural anxiety over the destabilization of the social hierarchy

  • Relationship Between A Mother And Girl In A Girl's Girl

    1606 Words  | 4 Pages

    In girl by Jamaica the author shows us a relationship between a mother and daughter, like old time how a mother advises her daughter to be a good daughter, good wife and a good daughter. Every mother wants her daughter to be a good woman, a woman who is respected by the society. The author picked up a very sensitive from our culture that a good woman is being brought up by her mother. This relationship tells a daughter how she has to behave in a bunch of people. In story the mother is teaching her

  • Girl interrupted

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    This is why hospitals like this can thrive; the only treatment they have is appreciation for the life they take away from a patient. WORKS CITED PAGE Quote #1- Page 21-FREEDOM- Girl, Interrupted Quote #2- Page 80-SECURITY SCREEN-Girl, Interrupted Quote #3 Page 54-CHECKS-Girl, Interrupted Girl, Interrupted- By Susanna Kaysen Copyright 1993 Originally published by Turtle Bay Books, A Division of Random House, INC, NY 1993 Web Pages . Article on------- Psychiatry's

  • Only a Girl in Boys and Girls by Alice Munro

    1814 Words  | 4 Pages

    Only a Girl in Boys and Girls Alice Munro's short story, "Boys and Girls," explores the different roles of men and women in society through a young girl's discovery of what it means to be a girl. A close examination of the elements of a short story as they are used in "Boys and Girls" helps us to understand the meaning of the story. The story is set in the 1940s, on a fox farm outside of Jubilee, a rural area only twenty miles away from the county jail. The farm is a place that reflects the

  • Girl In Pieces: Themes In Charlotte's Girl In Pieces

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    A girl stood facing a rusty mirror in the bathroom. She looked at the reflection in the mirror as her head went down in sorrow. Soon tears ran down her face, her face damp with sweat. When she thought no one was around, she screeched with anguish into the mirror “Why am I so ugly? Why can’t I be like the other girls?” Echoes of her screams filled the hallway of Forest Park Middle School. Nevertheless, the girl screeching in horror of her own reflection is not the only teen, who talks about, each

  • Muslim Girls

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    The central Bosnian village Dolina is located in a valley north of the Bosnian-Hercegovinian capital, Sarejevo. From a very early age Muslim girls are taught that their role as a female is to assist their mother with household chores and to serve the men. While her male siblings, who spend most of their time playing and walking around the village, are not expected to work around the house (Bringa 106). Muslim boys were given privileges because they were male. Muslim women usually did not leave the

  • Girl rising reflection

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie Girl Rising has impacted me in many ways. Before I saw a screening of this film, I had no idea what some girls, (and boys), had to go through! Worldwide, over sixty five million girls are out of school, and around thirty three boys are as well! This is hard for me to imagine, because I have been fortunate enough to attend school every year of my life, and I don’t know any differently! If girls around the world could get just one more year of education, their income as an adult would increase

  • Comparing Themes In Girls And Alice Munro's Boys And Girls

    829 Words  | 2 Pages

    The story “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro and the story “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Karen Russell have similar themes. They both are coming of age type stories that show the growth of a character because of a situation they were put in or things that happened to them. In “Boys and Girls” the narrator enjoyed helping her father with his work much more than helping her mother with the house, she thought that work that her mother did was boring and she dreaded it. Throughout the

  • Jamaica Kinkaid's Girl

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of “Girl” by Jamaica Kinkaid In the short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, the mother trying hard to teach her daughter about life through her own past experience and believes. She is telling her about real life situations and how she should behave and handle herself. Others might say that this is a verbally abusive relationship, but the mother is really looking out in the best interest of her daughter. Teaching her daughter how to prepare traditional food, how to please her husband with

  • Analysis Of Girl Rising

    1091 Words  | 3 Pages

    Girl Rising Everyone deserves an education, but for some in the developing world, especially girls, it is hard to even get into a classroom, due to the opposition from those who believe a girl 's place is in the home, not the classroom. The 2013 documentary Girl Rising by Richard E. Robbins states, “There are 33 million less girls in primary school worldwide than boys.” Girl Rising tells the stories of nine girls varying in ages throughout the developing world who only want to learn or where school

  • Girls Of Slender Means

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Joanna’s and Jane’s lifestyles. The Girls of Slender Means by Murial Spark is a novel about the girls who lived in the May of Teck Club during the year of 1945. There are many characters involved, but the one’s who caught my attention the most are Jane Wright and Joanna Childe. They represent different aspects of ideas, lifestyles and, also, have different perspectives on the “World of Books.'; Joanna Childe was the daughter of a country rector. She was very intelligent,

  • Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    Structure Dialogue, Characterization, Setting, “Girl” is a short story with no character descriptions, no plot, no structure and no setting. It is a concise but complex piece that tells what it entails to be a girl. The short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is an entirely dialogue between two characters. The dialogue helps tell the audience more about the society and characters. The words sound like a directly transcribed conversation, thereby giving the audience the feeling that the writer is directly

  • Analysis Of The Girl On The Train

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    of many people she has met to develop the characters with different personalities and different points of view in her book, The Girl on the Train. According to The Guardian, Hawkins’s The Girl on the Train is closely related to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (Sec. 3). Hawkins is very proud of that statement because she thinks that the Gone Girl is an amazing book. The Girl on the Train is the first book Paula Hawkins wrote under her real name, and it was really successful, since this book is a major

  • Jamaica Kincaid Girl

    1500 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jamaica Kincaid in her short literature work “Girl” utilizes strong repetition to convey certain themes seen in gender issues, more specifically those of the power of domesticity and female sexuality. This narrative is structured with two characters, a mother and daughter, and is presented by the mother as a list of instructions for the daughter to live and follow by in life. The repetition of the phrase “this is how you [do this]” and the word “slut” shows the oscillation of the mother going from

  • Jamaica Kincaid Girl

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    ladies for thousands of years, and is still considered a problem today. In the short story “Girl” (1984), by Jamaica Kincaid, an overbearing mother is instructing her daughter on how to be the perfect lady within the village where they live. The mother explains the tasks in a list and points out her daughter’s imperfections throughout the story. After conducting a formalist reading of the short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, it is shown that readers are able to identify the major theme of rejection

  • The Porter and the Young Girls

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    This is when frame tale comes into play. In order to survive she must tell a story each night in order to keep the kings interest. “The Porter and the Young Girls” is one of the tales told in the larger story. “The Porter and the Young Girls” was a great story to keep King Shahrayar attentive. In this tale it talks about three young girls and their generosity to this porter. They feed and bathe the man. One rule was given to the porter though. This rule says “Speak not of which concerns you not