English Language Essays

  • English: The Origin Of The English Language

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    It is believed that the English language is derived from the Anglo-Frisian dialects from West Germanic tribes who were situated in North West Germany and the Netherlands when they invaded the Celtic ruled Britain. When the group Germanic tribes drove out the native Celts in Britain, they started to interact with one another. Since they speak similar languages, the language fused together overtime to create what we know now as the English language. English belongs to the West Germanic branch of the

  • Norman English And The English Language

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    nearly-detrimental effect on the English language, as up to 85% of the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary was lost after the Conquest, due to the influence of their language. Nonetheless, two hundred years after the Norman Conquest, it was English that emerged as the language of England. Even though it is evident that English was deeply transformed by Norman French, so too was Norman French deeply transformed by the Old English of the Anglo Saxons. A milestone in the transformation back to an English-speaking nation was

  • The Importance of the English Language

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    history, it is displayed that language and globalization can come hand in hand in the means of spreading throughout the world. The English language is mainly spoken in the U.S and Britain as a first-language. However, it is being increasingly spoken around the world everyday as a way of communication. As a result of the British colonialism, the U.S and British pop culture and media, as well as the economic aspect of the world, English has become the global language of communication today. By having

  • Essay On English Language

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    The Foreign elements in English Language English is a West Germanic language brought to Britain by Germanic invaders. A majority of the words used in English today are of foreign origin. English still derives much of its vocabulary from Latin and Greek, but we have also borrowed words from nearly all of the languages in Europe. A large portion of the modern English vocabulary has come from the Anglo-Norman languages. English is considered as a ‘’borrowing’’ language. English has gone through many

  • USA English Language

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    It is accepted that the use of English language has increased steadily in the last 50 years all over the world. English language is important for travelling involves package holidays, sporting occasions, business meetings, international conventions, military occupations, academic conferences and transportation and lodgings (Crystal 2003). Some people believe that the USA economic power influenced spread of English by majority of institutions and other areas, such as UN, Hollywood and TV programmes

  • Slangs in the English Language

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    Slangs in the English Language For hundreds of years, English has been continuously changing.Words that were unacceptable 300 years ago are now commonplace. Englishhas always had a trademark of being a comfortable language, the language ofthe common people (MacNeil 143). Change in the grammar and diction of alanguage is natural, and English is always confronted with changes. Amongthem are the use of slang, clipped word endings, and new dialects. SomeConservatives do not like changes because

  • The Birth of the English Language

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    will focus on the period between the early 15th century, when English reasserted its dominance after the decline of official French, until the 17th century when a 'standard' English evolved. It will be shown that modern-day English is very different to that first introduced to the British Isles, but by identifying changes through the centuries, its continuity can be demonstrated. Finally it will be proposed that present day worldwide English, is in a similar position to that which existed before the

  • Development of the English Language

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    'standard' English evolved. It will show that modern-day English is very different to that first introduced to the British Isles, but by identifying changes through time, its continuity can be demonstrated. Finally, it will suggest that present day English is in a position analogous to that which existed before the Norman invasion, when there were many varieties and dialects, and that this may lead to its decline as a global language, due to decreasing intelligibility. The beginnings of English can be

  • Essay On English Language

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    Language as the corner stone of conversation and dialog, is considered a medium that enables individuals to make shared meanings. Many people seek out a way to learn a second language. In the information age, English language grasps peoples’ attention because of its global use. English language is considered the key to connect people to each other as well as to knowledge. Many people come to western countries specifically to learn English language. According to National Center for Education Statistics

  • Ebonics In The English Language

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    Throughout countless ages the English language has been constructed, comprehended, and perfected in so many different ways. For many years including the present time there are well known linguist and many different sorts of writers who have studied the English language to the absolute core. These linguists as well to writers have researched how different cultures, people with different backgrounds had taken the English language and converted it in their own types of speech, slang, dialect and grammar

  • Modern English: The Expread Of The English Language

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    someone knows a language, they can typically speak the language and understand the words, structure, and the meaning when someone is speaking the same language. Therefore, it would be in the best interest to make sure that everyone is on the same page—make sure that the sentence structure, every words’ meaning, everyone’s understanding of proper grammar is the same throughout the whole world. That’s precisely what the Spanish, French, and Italians did, creating centers for their languages in Madrid, Paris

  • English Language Learners

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    Equal Protection for English Language Learners English language learners in the classroom and how to teach them effectively, with good will, and in their best interests is a highly-contested subject. Civil Right Laws and the Fourteenth Amendment are supposed to guarantee that all students have an equal opportunity to receive a good education however because of how the classification process for ELL students in school systems work this has become an area of contention (Wright, n.d.). There have been

  • Middle English And Modern English: The Transformation Of The English Language

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    The English language has experienced several shifts and transformations ever since its earliest history in the medieval England to the current. English has been historically said to have evolved through three major stages that include Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Each of the three stages may be also sub-divided into early and late stages in order to give a comprehensive picture of the language’s history. English language, According to Algeo (2010), originated from the various dialects

  • The English Language

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    The English language as many other languages in the World has been evolving through time, and it passed through many stages including its nearly extinction. So where and when did this story begin? 2000 years ago in what now would be the United Kingdom, the language was incomprehensible. The Anglo-Saxon, wich is known also as Old English, was a language that sounded like the modern Frisian language. This language arrived when Germanic tribes invaded Britain and subjugated the native Celts. Nowadays

  • English as a Neutral Language Tool

    1963 Words  | 4 Pages

    English as a neutral tool My earlier paper highlights how English is acting as a killer language for native languages. As globalisation has created a global village, the people of different languages need a lingua franca to communicate with one another. At present, English is a true lingua franca and a global language. Crystal opines “a language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognised in every country.” (Crystal 3) English is spoken in different parts

  • The Effects Of Stress In The English Language

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    Syllables can be stressed in words, and this can happen in many languages. When there is a stressed syllable it can be marked by an accent mark (`), and there can be multiple words that are stressed, but there is always one stressed vowel that is stronger the other stressed vowels. “Stress, pitch, and juncture work together to create intonation. Stress is the emphasis to certain syllables, pitch is the musicality of a spoken language, and juncture is a pause between words of sentences” (Phonology

  • Should English Be The Official Language

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    “The English language has over three hundred sixty million native speakers in the world. Around four hundred million people speak English in the world.” (Brandon Brice, Why English Should Be Official Language of the United States Sept 2016) The language of English originated in Britain in the sixth or seventh century. It comes from three different periods of time; Old English (Anglo Saxon), Middle English, and Modern English. The English language is utilized all around the world in various countries

  • English Language: The Relationship Between Identity And Language

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    relationship amongst identity and language will dependably include an complicated blend of individual, social and political variables which work to build individuals as having a place with a social gathering, or to avoid them from it. In the readings, different examples are pointed of identity as we see a mother fighting to keep her daughter 's identity alive, in another you see how learning a new language how affected poorly on a family and finally Mr. Li, from crazy English who has helped many individuals

  • Global Dominance of the English Language

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    Dominance of the English Language In the year 2014, the language that is most spoken around the world is English. There are currently 1.5 billion people that speak English as their first language, second language or as a foreign language. The English language has had a great impact on the world as a whole. English is still the dominant language that is spoken throughout the world. Although the language has evolved over time and changed in many ways it has still stuck around and became a language that was

  • English Should be the National Language

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    and have spoken many languages. When the Pilgrims arrived in the New World, they did not know how to communicate with the natives. Through intense study the natives learned the Pilgrims’ language. Even with the common language they were still a melting pot of different culture. Some would say that America has gotten over the language/ cultural barriers and now almost everyone speaks the common language of English, but there are still many immigrants who do not know English. Bilingual education is