Social Media Negative Effects Essay

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Another negative effect social media had is a person’s lack of privacy. People can see your every move, and sometimes even see where you are. You can post your location on a FaceBook status, or even on just a tweet, it says where you posted this tweet from. That’s a scary thought that someone can constantly know where you are if they truly wanted to. According to the “Negative Effects” article, “Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives.” People feel it’s necessary to share every detail of their lives. As a regular social media user, I don’t usually feel the need to share little things that I do. I feel the need to share the important things, like if I go to a concert or an anniversary with my girlfriend. People like to see things like that, but not little details of a person’s life. According to the article “Facts About Corporate Social Media” there are risks to using social media in the corporate world, like “While social …show more content…

is Losing the War on Terror,” the author Rand Waltzman, who is the former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program manager, states “according to the US Law 50 U.S. Code § 3093(f) effectively prohibits our intelligence community from action “intended to influence the United States political processes, public opinion, policies, or media.” There are specific needs for our country about what needs to get done about these policies. “With social media and the Internet, there is no way to guarantee that no U.S. person will be inadvertently exposed to information operations that are not intended for them, and this rule is broadly applied as a basis for banning any type of useful action.” The author is right, there are no guarantees that the people of the United States won’t be exposed to this

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