Importance Of Self Evaluation

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under your heading Self Evaluation
A recommended piece of “Self Evaluation” is Performance Planning. Simply put, Performance Planning is when the manager and employee discuss what will be expected of the employee. This could include a wide range of areas: sales targets that an employee will be required to meet; the average number of calls per hour that a customer service representative might be expected to handle ; or simply the expectation for a cashier that their drawer always balance at the end of the night. The importance of this is that the employee understands in advance precisely what she needs to do to meet the expectations of management and keep her job. This can also allow for input from the employee.
Another recommended tool under Self Evaluation is to allow the employee to write a few paragraphs and submit this to their manager before she completes her formal appraisal. It allows employees to detail successes that might have escaped the notice of their manager and …show more content…

It is generally suggested to start with all of the accomplishments that the employee has made since their last appraisal. Employees often feel that their value to the company is under valued or not valued at all. This is a time for managers to assure each emplohee of their individual value to the overall performance of the company or organization.
As for the areas in need of improvement, it is recommended that you provide reasonable steps towards improvements with a definite time to re-evaluate the employee. For instance, if an employee has not met his sales quotas, it would be helpful to offer some additional training or perhaps mentoring with the understanding that in 3 months, you would sit down again and see if his sales numbers have increased as a

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