Importance Of Biases In Performance Appraisal

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Performance appraisal is perceived by most as a tool to reward or penalize employees for their good or bad work respectively by the end of a year. This notion is a challenge in itself to deal with. The whole exercise becomes dull for both supervisors and their subordinates and they tend to look at it as an additional responsibility which they have to finish. In the end, there is little or no value addition for either the employee or the organization. There are, however, better ways of looking at and conducting performance appraisals. It can give much needed feedback to both performers and laggards to improve upon and if done properly can even boost their motivation. More importantly, they provide a chance to employees to have a say in their goal setting and thus aligning it with the departmental and organizational goals. Also, the process itself has a value in team making. …show more content…

According to a research in neuroscience, during performance appraisals, the appraiser inevitably projects his biases onto the process and its subjects. Broad category of biases affecting the appraisal systems are as follows.
Rater Bias
It is observed that raters adopt a different approach while rating women and men. For example, it …show more content…

The curve can accommodate only a few people at the top. For this, during performance appraisal, relative appraisal mechanisms are employed, wherein an employees’ performance is benchmarked against that of a group of people. When performance appraisals for an employee are done with respect to a group’s performance, biases can be formed about the group’s dominant behavioral characteristic and the employee’s assessment could be calibrated with respect to that

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