The Secret to Amazon's Success

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Amazon is an online company that since its debut in 1995, has taken the world by storm. It exploded into popularity making an astonishing $147.8 million in sales within 3 years, causing all other online companies run for cover. Any company that didn’t run fast enough was swallowed up by them. Over its history, Amazon has bought around 45 companies an currently its only major competitors is E-Bay’s auction house and the very popular Brick and Mortar bookstore, Barnes and Noble (Borders lost the race). Now, you may ask what makes Amazon so popular? What is it is secret to it is success? According to Amazon, it believes that “it is main competitive factors…include “selection, price availability, convenience, [ease of use through] information [and the ease of buying something], [personalized services through], discovery [of similar products and through ability to look at your recent history], and brand recognition… [Through superb] customer service, speed of fulfillment…its ability to adapt to changing conditions… and trust in transactions with us and facilitated by us on behalf of third...

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