Essay On Nursing Profession

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Professions Paper on the Nursing Field
When people think of nurses, not everyone has the same idea of what a nurse is and what they do. Some people will say care givers, hospitals, doctors or helpers. Being a nurse is a big responsibility. You are responsible for all records of a patient, you have to take care of that patient in any way they need assistance. There are so many routs you can take with nursing, you can work in hospitals, clinics, schools, home care, long care, with any military services and many more. From each place that you can work there are different things you can specialize in such as deliver babies to helping stitch up a bad cut to helping in the emergency room with broken bones. There are so many different opportunities to take with nursing, not to mention fining a job is pretty easy and can find a job almost anywhere. To become a nurse, depending on if you are at an university or at a junior college, you have to take general science classes such as Biology and Chemistry. You have to take English classes and math classes like states and college algebra. At Washburn you must complete some humanities and classes such as cultural anthropology and sociology, you also have to take a university based class to graduate. Taking a foreign …show more content…

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics you can find a job 16% faster than average. (2014-24) There is a huge demand in long care facilities due to the aging population. In some areas of the country its more competitive than other areas due to the increase of nurses in the last few years found in an article on Bureau of Labor Statistics site. (2014) Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the annual median pay is $32.04 per hour or $66640 per year. (2014) The most well know organization is the ANA or American Nurses Association. This organization is the code that nurses get their responsibilities from and their

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