Advertising And Marketing Strategies

600 Words2 Pages

A promotional strategy can have an extensive range of aims, including sales increment, acceptance of brand new products, formation of brand equity, competitive retaliations, positioning, and also formation of a trade image.
Advertising is defined as any funded form of non-personal communication about a product or service by an identified sponsor. We will be using this concept of aggressive advertising to promote our product. Therefore, advertising is an important selling tool for our company as it has to provide a large volume of the consumer markets. Brand Ambassadors are also used to promote our product. Brand ambassadors are well-known individuals who usually people admire and people can relate to them. Therefore, we will look for celebrities that are mothers to newborns for our advertisements. These celebrities are not only asked to work in the advertisements but they also have to use the product promoted by them and they should not use the businesses’ competitors’ products. This will capture the attentions of the consumers by showing them that many cele...

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