Essay On Marketing Strategy

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INTRODUCTION The main topic for this Extended Essay is to analyze the effectiveness of company’s market strategy. A marketing strategy can be defined as a process that helps a business to optimize the opportunities in order to complete business objectives, which mainly gain profits. It includes all basic and long-term field activities of marketing that deal with the analyzing of initial strategy, evaluation of the strategy, and making of a new strategy if the initial strategy is found to be ineffective or even might cause loss. (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2009) To make sure the effectiveness of marketing strategy, its crucial to establish the right marketing mix which cover all the element needed in marketing a product. (Clark, et al. 2009) Company’s Profile XXX’s rubber manufacture is business-to-business type of company that can be categorized as small-medium enterprise. XXX’s processing rubber l that the company orders from the suppliers. The process will be shaping the rubber materials based on customize request from the customers. This type of company might exist because many of industries use rubber as the main content or just a small section of it, which the product can’t operate well without. The example is water bottles, there is rubber on lid to prevent the water from dripping while the people is drinking. The rubber is only a small part of the whole bottle, so most of the company orders the rubber from other company because producing themselves will result in more expenses and ineffective. XXX Company didn’t have any permanent customers or customer under contract, so their income is varies each month and it has lots of competitors. Although the income varies, the company survives the economic crisis in 1998 and ... ... middle of paper ... ...e enough because the company has chosen the best possible way to increase the company performance. The pricing strategy is the company’s best strategy from all because it affected the sales revenue a lot. Although fluctuating the price is quite risky for a business since the customers might order from other companies if the company doesn’t do it properly, but XXX Company manage to done it well so far. The effectiveness might also be seen by the average of sales revenue between January to August from 2011 to 2013. By the SWOT analysis it could be concluded that XXX Company have an opportunity to expand in by strengthening the promotion strategy to gain more customers and expand the place because there will be more competitors in the future. Starts using a contract for the new customers would be a great improvement for the company to get more constant sales revenue.

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