Peer Review Reflection

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It’s no secret that students are supposed to learn, improve, and grow throughout the course of a class. For true improvement to occur, a student must identify that they have made a mistake, learn from the mistake, and correct themselves for the next time. For me, this semester has been an extremely amazing learning experience. No, I did not have a dramatic transformation in my writing. Yet, the things I have learned in this class have been extremely helpful and have stuck with me like glue. When first given this assignment, I thought the same thing that most self-centered teens think. The generic, “I haven’t learned a single thing this semester. I have always been an amazing writer!” This is generally because most people are inherently selfish. …show more content…

Peer review was an extremely helpful tool throughout the semester, which I wish I had taken better advantage of. Overall, I never performed “poorly” on any of my writing assignments. This is my “half full” way of looking at the semester. The fact is, I got an A on every single paper that I wrote this semester except for one. One of my papers received a B. This was also the only paper which I did not attend peer review. Sure, for most people a “B” is fine and acceptable. For me, this was just a major reflection of my lack of attendance. On my first paper “The Writing Experiences of a Mediocre College Student”, I received an A. After this, I got overconfident. I did not think I had to attend class because it was such a breeze. This overconfidence took the best of me when I decided not to attend peer review of my next paper. Because of this decision, I received a B on “The Inner Thoughts of an Upset College Writer”. After receiving my graded paper, I decided not to miss peer review again. This decision paid off overall. Both, “Moe Money, Moe Problems” and “A Persuasive Genius” received A’s. I learned that peer review was so important because it allowed me to see my writings through the eyes of others. When I try to correct my own writing, I miss my own mistakes. It’s almost as if I have blinders on the whole time. I have always had difficulty believing that I make mistakes, like many teens. Peer Review made me realize my

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