Pros And Disadvantages Of Technology

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Throughout time people have been fascinated with the progress of technology, and have been trying to find ways to improve our society’s needs. In recent years we have been accommodating our needs with the use of technology to make our lives easier. Technology has also been helping humans combat diseases and many other life threatening obstacles people face. The advancement of technology as well of computers is only getting faster, and at this rate it does not look like it will be slowing down anytime soon. As Lev Grossman refers to Moore’s Law in his article 2045 The Year Man Becomes Immortal “- the number of transistors you can put on a microchip doubles about every two years,” the essence of Grossman’s argument is that technology is advancing …show more content…

Yes and No. Technology has made our lives easier by providing us with easy access to information through search engines like Google. It has also allowed us to live longer due to medical advancements. While these are all the good sides to technology, there are still some downsides as well. For instance, the fast access to all this information is not letting us think for ourselves. It is also taking away our ability to focus and it is making us impatient when our desired results are not met.
One of the most beneficial technological advancements that humans have created is the internet search engine. Before the internet and search engines people were limited to using encyclopedia in order to find the answer to a question that they had or any research they had to conduct. The process of using a encyclopedia consisted of being able to refine the topic you are looking for and looking it up in the proper book. Then conducting an …show more content…

Before modern medical technological advancements life expectancy was not high at all. Before people would die from diseases that we can cure with a simple shot or some sort of treatment. But something that we have not been able to find a cure for is old age. There are many people who believe that in the near future old age will be something we do not have to worry about anymore thanks to the development of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the idea that computers will one day be capable of processing information at the cognitive level of humans. In the article 2045 The Year Man Becomes Immortal by Lev Grossman suggests the idea that “-artificial intelligences will help us treat the effects of old age and prolong our life spans indefinitely.” Grossmans point is that artificial intelligence can one day help us cure old age and prolong our lifespan. If this prediction where to come true it could be a huge medical advancement and achievement for humans, and could benefit our

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