Self Reflection Essay

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While I did learn about a great deal of subjects during this course, I am not certain if I can honestly say that I have improved my communication techniques. I feel as though I am on the same level as before, although I have changed my own definition of what that level is.
I tried not to presume that my posts were completely understood, however I was always responded to with an all clear from my team members. Therefore, at least they believed that they understood my meaning completely. I did not read any responses which disputed this fact, for any problems I myself had within the group did not come from problems to do with communication as much as it did with responsibility. Therefore, I would like to change my initial judgement of my communication level from Novice (which is how I feel) to at the least Engaged (which must be how I come across to others). …show more content…

Agreeing was not a problem, but feeling comfortable while working with others has always been a problem of mine. Mostly because I feel as though I must step forward first, for fear no one else will. This has not been as large of a problem during my college studies, but throughout high school, I was usually completing the majority of group projects on my own. Therefore, while I hate taking charge, I have a tendency to offer simply to assure myself that I am not waiting for anyone. At the same time, not being comfortable in a leadership position, I constantly worry that I am not doing enough, only at the end of the period to know I have. I assume that is an acceptable worry to have during an important project, though I need to learn how to manage it better so that I do not waste as much time worrying aimlessly about things which are satisfactory or that I do not have any control

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