How Does Human Environment Affect The Natural Environment

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Human activity has badly affected the natural environment. The damages due to this is, turning out to be serious and can cause great environmental changes in the future. Effects of which can already be seen. This impact on the environment could be because of overpopulation, we now require more resources to serve out needs and we rely on technology to extract resources and make many processes easier for us. (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 1991) (Midden, Mccalley, Ham, & Zaalberg, 2008). “The world we live in now is specifically engineered to our needs, which gives us the luxury to forget about ourselves and not worry about survival. Which was not the case for most of human past.” (Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, 2016) Humans have been using technology as long …show more content…

Examples of Behavioural Design Strategies 3.2.1. There are various ways in which information can be used to promote certain required activities and behaviours in a built environment. The simplest way would be to use signages and displays which provide facts and bits of scientific knowledge within a building, this not only educates the new users in the building but also constantly helps the occupants to remember that their unsustainable actions will have a greater consequence. This method ensures that the users shall reflect and retain their environmentally responsible values. The recent advent of information technology and building management systems (BMS) also offers an opportunity to distribute knowledge to individuals about their potential impact on the built environment. This process will address to an individual’s moral values. Which in-turn will likely change their …show more content…

Designers could also have an intention to promote environmentally friendly behaviour by integrating the natural environment into the built environment. The simplest way to do this would be to introduce vegetation inside by combining landscape design with architectural design. This process not only increases the occupant’s affinity towards the environment. But also, improves physiological health condition and alleviates the occupant’s moods. (Hartig, Marlis, & W. Evans, 1991) (Kapalan, 2001). The designer could also use natural materials in his designs to develop a bond between user and the external environment. This could theoretically promote a level of connection between the user and the environment, which, according to research by Cummings (2012); would help in environmentally friendly

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