A Great Leader Essay

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In the world, there are two types of people; the ones who lead, and the ones who follow. Whether or not a person is a sheep or a wolf is determined by characteristics inherited from the outside world. The wolf personality takes control of the pack and leads it. While the sheep sits and waits for the wolf to create the path for them. These two qualities are defined by a series of characteristics. Great leaders are those who display unbreakable confidence, indestructible focus, and exemplary empowerment. A great leader expresses unbreakable confidence in even the most extreme circumstances. People are naturally attracted to leadership because it signifies assurance. For this reason, leaders are great at gathering people into their cause. When a great leader stands up for something he or she believes in they send others into a state of awe. A great example of expressing pure confidence would be the daring Martin Luther King Jr. when he stood up for civil rights. Although his life was …show more content…

Thus a leader with focus will run through plans numerous times before the final execution. For instance,. The more effort that is put into something the greater the outcome may be. Similarly, a leader with strong focus must fend off the many distraction that the outside world puts in front of his or her views. Such as a soldier fighting in Iraq. When he or she is thrown into battle it is important for them to keep their focus on the main tasks, any distraction could prove fatal. Hence a leader with focus knows when enough is enough because he or she knows if the pressure applied to their followers is too great the whole faction may crumble under its weight. A leader with focus takes the time to make sure all of his or her people are okay, and when a weakness presents itself a focused leader takes it upon his or herself to take care of it in the most appropriate way possible. In addition to confidence a great leader must display

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