Every Comment Has Its Consequence: Cyber Bullying

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Bullying includes two people, a harasser and a victim. The bully abuses the victim through words, actions, or other ways in order to gain supremacy and dominance. This may be done directly by hitting, physically or verbally assaulting face-to-face or behind a screen: gossip, rumors, etc. According to Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin’s Preventing and Responding to Cyber bullying: Expert Perspectives, cyber bullying is defined as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices,” and that it has become a growing issue. Cyber bullying is a universal social concern today. It is the use of technology most likely social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to harass, threaten, or humiliate another being. According to Justin Patchin’s Preventing and Responding to Cyber bullying: Expert Perspectives, “Estimates of the number of youth who experience cyber bullying range from 5 to 73 percent, depending on the age of the group and the definition of cyber bullying.” It is hard to believe that cyber bullying happens every second. Although bullying is a well-known problem, it can also be ignored or go unnoticed. Cyber bullying has been one of the fastest growing problems and it’s a shame that some people who witness it do not take action upon it. Though cyber bullying does not cause physical damage, research shows that the harmfulness can be much worse. It causes psychological, emotional, behavioral, and may eventually lead to physical damage. Targets of cyber bullying are more prone to committing suicide compared to those who have not been victimized by it. For many years, “technology has changed the landscape of children’s lives” (Williams and Guerra, 15). Thus a few r...

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...gnificant way to prevent cyber-bullying outbreaks is if you see something happening don’t just be a spectator and watch it happen, report it before anyone gets hurt.
With the expansion of the Internet and social networking technologies cyber-bullying is becoming more common and more detrimental. The material presented in this research paper should give people a better understanding of what a cyber bully is, how threatening they can be, and how to stop cyber bullying from happening. Victims of cyber bullying should realize that they are not alone and should not give into a bully’s treacherous behavior. It is heart breaking to know that young people are harming themselves over pictures, videos, comments, emails and messages published by bullies using the Internet. Cyber-bullying is technology driven and will only get worse if the Internet is not used with precautions.

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