The Dangers And Effects Of Cyberbullying

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Bullies have been around a long time, but the advancement in technology gives these bullies a whole new platform. Cyberbullying is the act of harming or harassing via information technology networks in a repeated and deliberate manner. Sometimes cyberbullying is easy to spot, for instance if a child shows their parent a direct tweet or message which is viewed as harsh, rude or even threatening (Kids Health From Nemours, 2016). In other cases, it is not as easy to spot, like impersonating a victim online or posting personal or embarrassing information. Cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress. Each person’s response to bullying is different and unique, but more often than not, youth who are bullied have a higher risk of depression and anxiety (Kids Health From Nemours, …show more content…

Studies have show that approximately one in five students will be cyberbullies and approximately the same ratio will cyberbully others. Many youth never report their experience of cyberbullying and cope with negative feelings on their own (Chisholm, 2014) As technology advances, graduate schools should modify their curriculums as well. Additional training at the graduate and post graduate levels for educators and other professionals who deal with youth, or individuals with psychological problems, to recognize signs of cyberbullying which contribute to psychological distress, and interfere with normal development (Chisholm, 2014). For instance, in Guelph-Humber the programs should incorporate the importance of being able to recognize signs of cyberbullying. The top three programs that would be able to put forward this message the best would be Early Childhood Studies, Family and Community Social Services and

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