career paper ( preschool teacher)

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Preschool is something very important for toddlers. Preschools were established in Europe around the late 1800’s. They were later introduced to the United States in the 1920’s. According to the Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance 9th edition “preschools expanded rapidly in the united states during the 1960’s”.

Job Description

Preschool teachers usually instruct children usually until they reach the age of five. They conduct activities designed to develop social, physical, and intellectual skills needed for primary school. During an interview I was told many things on the subject. “You need a lot of patience” said Esther Rodriguez a preschool teacher. There are many tasks needed to be done. While researching I came across plenty of information on the internet, Echoices says that some typical tasks are “planning individual and group activities, and monitor activities to prevent accidents and conflicts between children”.

Nature of Work

Preschool teachers play a very important role in the development of children. In the Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance 9th edition states that “a preschool teacher’s primary responsibility in the social development and health of each child”. Preschool teachers design activities that build on the children’s native abilities and help them develop skills and characteristics that will help them grow. What children learn a...

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