What Does College Mean To Me Essay

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Where do you see yourself in ten years, do you want a big house or a lot of money?Ninety eight percent of people who attend college make more money than just a high school diploma.I do plan i going to college. I want to go to college to make more money and have more choices of jobs. College is right for me. College is important to me for many reasons. For example, in the article,College is worth the cost, by Brooks C. Holtom, states that people who graduate with bachelor's degree will earn twice as much over the course of their year.Do you want a lot of money and a succesful life, then college is for you. College may be expensive but you will earn way more in the long run. You don't have to go for four years of college it all depends on what you want to be in the future, for example, if you want to be a lawyer then it will take …show more content…

Additionally, the article states that, ‘’ continuing education after high school is much more important for your generation than it was for your parents generation .’’ Also most jobs today requires more than a high school diploma. Did your parents attend college? If not break the cycle of uneducated parents. If your parents had a chance that you had on going to college they would so go for them. College is not just for studies it can help you build social skills and life lessons. Lastley, in the article getting ready for college early steps, by the us department of education, states that ‘’ a two year college (technical program) provides the skills and experience employers look for.’’ If your school isn'tb for you then go to a two year college and still get the degree to get a good job that suites you. There are many programs for college, so there is no exceptions to not attend college. College will open many more

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