Training Program for Tennis

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Training Program for Tennis The aim of my training programme is to improve my cardiovascular endurance for tennis. I have no medical or health problems at the moment. By doing this training programme I could improve my fitness level. My fitness level at the moment could be improved. By improving my fitness level I can improve in all sports. Normally during a week I will play on average about 6 or 7 hours of various sports. These sports consist of football, tennis and badminton. If I am to improve my game I will work on aerobic training. Aerobic training involves long distance running and cardiovascular endurance. I will be working on my stamina also so I will be doing a lot of aerobic training. This will involve working on my stamina level so I can last longer and keep up the level of my game in a match of tennis. At this moment in time I don't think I have to work on my speed in getting to the ball because I think I am at a sufficient level in which I need to be. Cardiovascular endurance is improving the ability of your heart and lungs to supply adequate oxygen to working muscles during prolonged activity. ====================================================================== I feel when I play tennis I play well at the beginning but towards the end I loose my game. I don't play as well as I should because I get tired and fatigued and I don't bother to try and get the hard shots. So the aim of this training programme is to improve my cardiovascular endurance so I can keep up the level of tennis I play at, at the beginning of my game. Safety Aspects To make sure I will not injure myself due to excessive strain I will make sure before any physical activity I will warm up and after the activity I will warm down, I will also stretch to reduce the chance of an injury. This will reduce too much build up of lactic acids and will

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