The Torch Has Been Passed Video Analysis

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I have always been drawn to business management. I spent my college carrier focusing on business management, and as a young graduate holding a degree in business administration and management I set out into the world to figure out which company I’d join to help provide the best customer service experience possible. I’m not sure how I happened to stumble upon the job posting, but I applied to join (then Agilent) as a customer service representative via the contracting agency we used at the time. It wasn’t long after starting here at Agilent/Keysight that I realized I was surrounded by seasoned employee who had been with the company for almost 10, 20, 30, and even 40 years! It was at this moment that I knew that I wanted to become part …show more content…

It was in this video that Ron Nersesian described that while we respect out past, our direction and Keysight’s purpose: - We believe in firsts, it is in our DNA – it is in our soul. - Now more than ever, we put the customer first - We must deliver, we must anticipate, and we must meet your needs It was a moment in which I knew that while we would embrace our core values, our practices were going to change dramatically and change, in my opinion, for the better. It is all of these changes that we’re making as a company that inspire me. In my opinion, our direction to achieve our goals has never been clearer, and all of the changes we are making I feel are the right ones to achieve these objectives. The important part though, and what is really inspiring, is that we haven’t lost sight of that DNA that makes our jobs here so inspiring and …show more content…

In a recent report titled How Millennials Want to Work and Live he said “PEOPLE OFTEN ASK GALLUP, “Are millennials really that different?” The answer is yes — profoundly so. Millennials will change the world decisively more than any other generation.” Jim uses this as a spring board to highlight places that have already changed dramatically as a direct result of millennials. He says “millennials will continue to disrupt how the world communicates — how we read and write and relate. Millennials are disrupting retail, hospitality, real estate and housing, transportation, entertainment and travel, and they will soon radically change higher education.” He concludes with the important of change, by saying “Defined by their lack of attachment to institutions and traditions, millennials change jobs more often than other generations — more than half say they’re currently looking for a new job. Millennials are changing the very will of the world. So we, too, must

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