The Struggle To Achieve The American Dream

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This generation of American teenagers and young adults have the greatest advantage in the history of humankind when to comes to advances in technology, science, and every other field of study. Yet, today’s youth of America is facing obstacles that past generations did not have to deal with. According to Josh Mitchell, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, student loan debt has surpassed one trillion dollars with two-thirds of college students graduating with over thirty-five thousand dollars of debt each. Competition for jobs has made it progressively harder to find a stable job and make a living. According to Hardin’s metaphor of the world being a lifeboat, it is increasingly difficult for people who are not on the lifeboat to find away …show more content…

Until recently the possibility of achieving the dream had been within reach. However, recently the youngest generations of Americans did not and are not growing up with this idea. America’s youth, made up of teenagers and young adults, especially those of color, are not able to reach their American Dream with the same relative ease that past generations were able to do so. America’s youth is struggling to find success because they are suffering from an economy that was severely damaged by the previous generation. In many instances older generations insist that the reason young people are struggling to survive and succeed in today's economy is because millennials and those belonging to Generation Z are lazy and do not want to work hard in order to achieve their dream, or it is that those youths feel as if they are entitled to success so they complain when they do not have opportunities and jobs handed to them. In reality, the lack of success for the youngest two generations does not have to do with an attitude problem, but rather with an economy that is struggling to survive due to the actions of previous generations. According to Hardin and lifeboats ethics, there is a large divide between the rich and the poor and there is not a solution to decreasing that divide that would result in the survival …show more content…

These generations of young people are the future, not only of the United States of America but also of the world. Young people will bring change and will hopefully make the world a better place. However, they cannot make the future a brighter place if they are disheartened at a young age from trying to achieve the impossible. It is society’s responsibilities to make the future better and for humanity to move forward and this cannot happen if all the millennials and those belonging to Generation Z are pessimistic because they were not able to achieve their own dream due to the circumstances in America. In order for everyone to have a bright future to look forward to the youth of today needs to have the opportunities to achieve their

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