Air Pollution In China Essay

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In recent years, the air pollution problems in China is becoming a frequent visitor of the trending topic list. Not only the air, the environment pollution is coming to hunt humans down in many different ways. It’s in the air, earth, water and even larger scale like the global warming. I know it is controversial regarding the global warming issue. Many big figure, Donald Trump for example, denies global warming as a problem we should pay attention to. However, I myself is a believer of such theory and I think we should act before it is too late. Regardless of global warming being real or not, it is better for us to act than doing nothing since the potential hazard could be catastrophic to the entire human race.
Before going further to talk
The gross domestic product China produced is about fifteen percent of the world’s but it used up thirty to forty percent of many key resources like steel, coal and cement. Seventy percent of the rivers are polluted. Only about twenty percent of the urban waste are properly processed. There are about three hundred million rural people do not have access to clean water, four hundred million urban citizen’s air are below standard. At the same time, China doesn’t have to ability or even want to transfer this environmental cost to other countries like many develop country does. After the energy either imported or domestic made are consumed, the pollution came with them too. In the recent two five-year plan made by the Chinese government, most gross domestic product goals are met prior to the due date but none of the environmental protection goal are met. This doesn 't came out of surprise since the industries that is pushing Chinese’s economical growth are mostly made by high pollution industry like chemistry industry and thermal power industry. The environmental problem is bring social problems as well as international pressure. Many developed country and entities care about the global warming and blame the Chinese energy-resource structure. These hypocrites blame developing countries on one
First, the environment itself have direct economic benefit. It is proving most of the basic asset which is supporting the human development. If the environment is damaged, it then can be seen as economical loss. On the other hand, if people protect the eco-balance and the environment, it is a bonus for the asset. One economist in China calculated the economic value of a tree in the Chinese mountains. Other than being the material of buildings or papers, it create at least fifty thousand dollar worth of air purification and soil and water conservation. Again, use China as an example, the Chinese economy lost at least fifty four billion dollar because of air and water pollution, which is a large percentage of its gross domestic product. We can see here from this example that environment itself is part of the productivity. The natural endowment is a very important aspect of a country or region’s economical development. There are three basic steps of development of human productivity development, obey they nature, conquer the nature and find balance with the nature. Now, most of the big world economy is heading toward the green energy utilization. Find the balance between our development with he nature, the environment is the ultimate goal. Second, the environment can affect the economy indirectly. Environmental cost constraints is an important

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