The Importance Of The Montessori Approach To Education

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The Montessori approach provides learning in a holistic and integrated way (Green, 2010). In reflection with the current regulatory frameworks as the National Quality Standards (NQS) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), the Montessori approach meets many of the standards as their curriculum combines manual and intellectual endeavours (Feez, 2013). Links have been made to main principles, practices and quality areas. In regards to the EYLF, Montessori meets all of the specified outcomes, principles and practices. Outcome one (children have a strong sense of identity) and principle one (secure and respectful relationships) is represented in Montessori as children are encouraged to be independent in their learning and activities, which aids in the development of their emerging autonomy and sense of agency. They are also taught that within interactions with peers and adults, there is the need for respect and care which creates a classroom community. These skills of interaction with peers assist in the development of child’s sense of fairness and …show more content…

With the philosophy of freedom within structure, it has allowed children to develop in a holistic way (Lillard, 2013). By harnessing the child’s eagerness for knowledge and understanding the child’s capability, the Montessori approach values the child (American Montessori Society, 2016). The environment in which children develop has also been highlighted and is found to have an impact on the child’s identity and development (Lillard, 2013). In the Montessori classroom, the children were found to be more likely engaged in positive, shared peer play that promoted respectful relationships whilst still growing their intelligence and meeting outcomes (Lillard & Else-Quest, 2006). The environment was favourable to the child, presenting them as an active agent with the educator being merely a facilitator to

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