The Impact of Construction on the Environment

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The Impact of Construction on the Environment


The construction industry impacts on the environment in a number of ways, both directly and indirectly. The assignment will cover a number of issues that are associated with the construction projects and will identify a number of environmental components that require protection. We will look at problems on a national and international scale. Identifying the need for global co-operation in the protection of our planet. This is of utmost importance to our survival and can only be achieved unilaterally.


Criticism aimed towards the construction industry.

The building industry was described by the Environmental Agency as the worst and most frequent source of industrial pollution in 1997 and this is at a time when preserving the environment and building intelligent buildings, thus making the most out of our natural resources, this is a key issue. This description from the Environmental Agency has done little to enhance the image of the construction industry.

The construction has certainly not helped itself because the industry is not only the worst pollutant but the number of incidents has risen when compared to previous years from 509 to 588. This is an average of 2 per day for the whole of 1997. This is at a time when the number of incidents fell by 7 percent from industrial sources.

Dr Paul Leister (director of environmental protection ) This report shows some worrying trends. The construction needs to clean up its act immediately and its time that the construction industry took its responsibility to prevent pollution much more seriously, since even under the guidance of the Environmental Agency's efforts to control the environmental perfor...

... middle of paper ... controls and contract conditions. These legal controls are normally enforced through a fine system and may be as much as £5000-00 per animal and most recently a contractor was fined £25,000-00 for damage to an Oak Tree.


Conservation Bodies

The following organisations have regional responsibility for promoting the conservation of wildlife and natural features:

Countryside council for Wales

English Nature

Northern Ireland Environmental and Heritage Service

Scottish National Heritage

The remit of the organisations above includes the protection of designated ecological sites and protected species.

Also within each area there are additional bodies that have an environmental remit and these include :

Country Wildlife Trust



Various wild life groups e.g. Badger, Bat and Bird Groups.

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