The Ethics Of The Ethical Dilemmas Of Second Hand Smoking

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Over the years, there has been much debate about the ethical concerns of second-hand smoke. Inhaling second hand smoke is an unavoidable consequence of being in the vicinity of smokers, exposing non-smokers to the same harmful chemicals as those who voluntarily engaged in it. While acknowledging the selfish nature of second hand smoking, governments in various countries like Singapore have put in place smoke-free laws that restricts smokers from smoking in certain public places ("Smoking prohibition," 2013). However, there are many outdoor areas, which the government cannot possibly ban as well, signalling that the ethical concerns of the smoke released from smoking cannot be eliminated.
The introduction of e-cigarettes was intended to reduce the health risks of smokers as unlike conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes , does not contain tobacco. One of the advantages which consumers widely celebrate is that e-cigarettes produces no second hand smoke as they emit vapor instead of ash, tar and smoke, which contain the byproducts of tobacco. In this case, the users of e-cigarettes have the freedom to smoke in more public places without violating one’s personal right to fresh air. The right ethics of nonsmokers will not be violated since the introduction of e-cigarettes eliminate the issue of one’s right in breathing in clean air. Even though e-cigarettes can potentially reduce health implications to both users themselves and the public, there is a huge concern that the nature of e-cigarettes may lure non-smokers to start engaging in such addictive behavior. Up to date, there is limited information and testing on the levels of nicotine and other chemicals which e-cigarettes imposes on users and the public. Thus, neither have the Food...

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...conventional ones might give people the perception that e-cigarettes are equally as harmful as conventional cigarettes, hence affecting their sales. However, as identified earlier, there are nonetheless many potential concerns that e-cigarettes indirectly pose to the public. Hence, while e-cigarettes have the potential to help smokers manage their addiction, there is a need for a strong regulatory framework to control the possible concerns. The proposed actions could be implemented to eliminate the pressing concern that accompanies the usage of e-cigarettes. That being said, before the confirmation by the FDA that e-cigarettes are safe, regulating agencies should totally restrict the sales of e-cigarettes. The sales of e-cigarettes should also only be permitted if manufacturers are able to prove that they are not only safe, but also capable in helping smokers quit.

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