The Early History of Rome

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Legend has it that Romulus is the founder of Ancient Rome. Romulus and Remus are twin brothers whom were abandoned at birth. They were placed into a woven basket and sent down the Tiber River. When they landed upon shore the two babies were discovered by a female wolf, who took them in and nursed them. A shepherd then found them, he then took them in and rose the two brothers. When the two brothers became adults they decided to establish a city where the wolf had found them when they were infants. In the process of deciding where it would be, the two brothers got into a fight, Remus was killed. Romulus then founded the town and named it Rome, after himself. Of course, we all know this is just a legend and not real, but the children of Rome were taught it in Roman schools as if it were real. Rome was founded in 753 B.C., along the Tiber River and exists around seven hills. The settlement were near the river for a constant water supply. The early people of Rome were from a tribe called 'Latins', whom were from the Plains of Latium (Trueman, History of Ancient Rome, April 21). Romans were very good architects and well known in the field of artistry. Roman houses were organized by wealth. The houses were inhibited by the wealthy, like wise the flats and apartments housed by the poor. Flats were known as insulae and only contained two rooms at the most, people used them only for sleeping (Trueman, History of Ancient Rome, April 21). The flats had no running baths. Roman baths were used in day-to-day life. They were supplied by lead pipes. A visitor would use a cold bath called the frigidarium, a warm bath called the tepidarium, or a hot bath called the caldarium. People in flats also did not have safe food so people... ... middle of paper ... ...everything happened because of the gods. Children were told myths of horrid creatures, thus causeing them to believe such things were real. Works Cited Badian, E. "Marcus Junius Brutus.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. S Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 04 May. 2014 . "Gaius Cassius Longinus.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 04 May. 2014 . “Marcus Junius Brutus.” 2014. The website. Apr 23 2014 . "Mark Antony." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. .

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