Corruption and the Decline of Rome

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Rome was the perfect setting to start an empire. Three seas to the West, South, and East as well as the Alps mountain range to the North guarding Rome. Rome was the ideal homeland for a small empire to expand to great lengths. Natural resources and trade routes also helped Rome’s economy expand to great heights. Industry such as metal working, agriculture, and trade drove the economy.

The origins of Rome originate back when Romulus first brought his people to Italy after the burning of Troy. Romulus quickly built a wall around the city for protection, while he defeated his partner Remus for control of the city. Therefore, the city is named after Romulus (Rome). Rome quickly developed to great lengths with every defeat over other populations.

Rome’s expansion started with the defeat of their Latin neighbors. Over time, they conquered southern Greek cities, the central mountains, and the Gauls. These territories started to become too many in number for the Romans to handle and slowly they lost control of their empire. Eventually they were taken over and what was once a great empire became virtually nothing. All the greatness that Rome once held, that was a representation of a higher standard, was lost in a short time.

“Even Castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually”- Jimi Hendrix. These words illustrate how every thing in history has an ending. What might have once been great, must always meet the ending history has in store. According to Walbank, men have repeatedly asked the questions “What is the criterion by which we determine the point at which a society begins to decay? What is the yard-stick by which we are to measure progress? And what are the symptoms and causes of decadence?” (4)....

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