The Better Between Two Worlds Analysis

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The Better Between Two Worlds.

In Heath, Ohio there is a school, which the writer spent most of her life in, named Licking County Christian Academy, and in this paper the school's name will be condensed to LCCA. LCCA, being a private school had at least two hundred students and about twenty teachers including the writer’s mother, but within the past five years, the number of students decreased until LCCA could not afford to pay all of the teachers. Two years ago, half of the teachers we're dismissed and a new type of schooling, that was much like e-learning, was introduced, video schooling. Instead of a teacher serving the handcrafted material to students who each have a different mindset so that they can understand, the students now must decipher the knowledge themselves in coherence with the videos. Though some students are able to process the information swiftly, others may be overwhelmed with the amount of information shown and the short time to …show more content…

A teacher and classmates were present in this class, but the curriculum mainly originated from a separate website than the website that the teacher used. Often the writer would be more focused on the main website than the discussion board since the content of the class derived from that website. The two websites that the writer had to regard caused much difficulty in receiving the information about the class.
Another complication with the online class that the writer approached was the major difference between the quizzes and the exams. The writer had examined and answered correctly the problems given in the homework and quizzes, but when the exam occured which the writer was required to receive at the class’s school, she only had a small portion correct. Compared to the grades from the homework and quizzes that the writer accomplished, the exam was Online classes can be troublesome when the teacher uses a separate source for the quizzes and

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