Case 42: Developing US History Content Vocabulary

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B1. Case 42 - Developing U.S. History Content Vocabulary

The classroom in video case 42 was made up of 12 English language learners. The students were learning U.S. History content vocabulary in small, collaborative, interactive groups. The teacher used visuals – words written on a white board, a graphic organizer of the concept definitions, and a Power Point presentation with pictures and simple definitions. The teacher provided background knowledge through the use of textbooks, so the children could be successful in future history classes. The teacher used songs to assist the auditory learners in the class as well as a video to further assist the visual learners to see the concepts from the lesson in context. All of these resources were culturally appropriate as English language learners often learn best when a lesson is developed through multiple strategies and with a variety of resources.

B1a. One resource the teacher could use to further support cultural diversity within her classroom would be worksheets for the children to fill-in wherein they would investigate the vocabulary words after make inferences on what the words mean based on their prior knowledge of the English language. This …show more content…

There is one student with a 504 Plan due to ADHD and other medical issues, the other students each have learning disabilities specifically in reading. In this video, the teacher is delivering a lesson about r-controlled vowels. She begins with direct instruction using Power point to show words with different r-controlled vowel sounds. The students then move to a small table where they are given paper tiles with letters on them as well as ar, er, ir, or, and ur. The teacher instructs them to make words of their choice using the paper tiles as well as giving the students clues to create certain

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