Sugar Free Chupa Chups Essay

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Advertisements are created to convince us to do an action or to buy a product. Marketers spend billions of dollars annually to create advertisements that appeal to our eyes. Chupa Chups is a Spanish brand of lollipops, it was established in 1985. The sugar free Chupa Chups advertisement isn’t informative or effective and their message didn’t have an impact on me. The Chupa Chups sugar free advertisement isn’t informative enough. The main reason why the advertisement isn’t informative is because the symbol wasn’t clear. It takes a while to understand why the ants taking a detour. After analyzing the ad, I noticed that it symbolizes that it is sugar free and that ants are only attracted to sugary foods. Another reason why the advertisement …show more content…

To begin with, the target user for this advertisement is not specific. It is targeted towards two different age groups, children and their health conscious parents. It is for children as they are attracted to the lollipop, and the sugar free part for the health conscious parents. It is appealing to people who want to become physically healthy. Usually, parents who want their children to become physically healthy aren’t going to allow their kids to eat junk food. According to “Consuming Kids” documentary, it was proved that children are the ones that choose what is bought and what isn’t. This is why the main target was supposed to go towards kids. Personally, I wasn’t attracted to the advertisement, as it didn’t target my points of interest and attention. In conclusion, the sugar free advertisement isn’t informative or effective and their message didn’t have an impact on me. The main reason why the advertisement wasn’t successful in presenting their message was because the symbol and the characters weren’t clear. Another reason why it wasn’t effective was because the typeface and the lighting weren’t appropriate. The reason it didn’t impact me was because the target user wasn’t specific. Advertisers spend lots of time creating an ad to please the eyes of the

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