I strongly agree with the statement that health promotion programs and policies informed by a social ecological (SE) framework would allow for a comprehensive approach to intervention. The SE model is a very valuable framework for theorizing multiple levels of determinants of health behaviors (Glanz, Rimer, & Viswanath, 2015). These levels include intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional/organizational, community, and public policy. The SE model includes different factors or levels that are important for addressing major public health issues and these levels are useful guides for the design of comprehensive multilevel interventions (Glanz, Rimer, & Viswanath, 2015). Interventions that consider a multiple levels of influence and are tailored to specific health behaviors are more likely to yield sustainable effects and affect many more people (Glanz, Rimer, & Viswanath, 2015). With that in mind, a study by Robinson (2008) successfully applied the SE model to improve fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income African Americans. The researcher believed this …show more content…
The findings from this study definitely showed that different levels of the SE model can independently and simultaneously impact school environments and the resources available for children to engage in PA (Langille & Rodgers, 2010). Like the Robinson (2008) and Langille and Rodgers (2010) studies there are many other articles that have examined the effectiveness of the SE model to develop appropriate intervention to change health problems or health behaviors within a specific population. When health practitioners use the SE model throughout the development of an intervention, they are able to better understand what factors affect a population and how those factors can be modified or changed to provide better health outcomes and create healthier societies and
In the text book: At the school level, a properly executed “positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) program should be implemented using the “PBIS Pyramid model” addressing Primary (for all students: “prevention, effective for 80 – 90% of students”), Secondary “focused on At-risk students (to “reduce problem behaviors for 5 – 10% of students”), and Tertiary Interventions (“for students with high-risk behaviors for 1 – 5% of students”).
Tannahill, A., Tannahill, C., & Downie, R. S. (1999) Health Promotion. Models and Values. Oxford University Press.
“Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans.” ( United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Healthy People 2020 , 2011). It acts as a national guide for disease prevention and health promotion. There are various objectives and goals which serve as the guideline to achieve overall improvement in health . ‘Educational and Community-Based Programs’ is one of them. According to U.S Department of Health and Human Services the main goal of these programs is to “Increase the quality, availability, and effectiveness of educational and community-based programs designed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance quality of life.” (HHS, Healthy People 2020, 2011). This particular goal of Healthy People 2020 focuses on increasing the number educational and community based programs to increase awareness about disease prevention and health among every individual of the society. It focuses on educating them on various topics including chronic diseases, substance abuse, prevention of injury and violence to encourage and enhance health. It emphasizes on increasing the quantity and quality of such programs so that a larger population could benefit from the program and gain effective knowledge to achieve a healthy life.
Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K., Lewis, F.M. (2002). Health behavior and health education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
The United States of America were founded on the belief that everyone should be treated equally. A tremendous amount of progress has been made to eliminate racism and inequality over the past two centuries. Even though America has come a long way, more advances can be made and should not be stopped until racial and ethnic disparities are completely eradicated. A fundamental area that significant disparities exist in is the healthcare industry. Evidence shows medical care is not distributed equally among residents of the United States. The social ecological model will be used to investigate the existing gaps in the healthcare system in the U.S. The social ecological model is comprised of five components. Starting on the inside is the individual, which refers to a person’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The next layer outside of the individual is the interpersonal level, which is composed of a person’s family, friends, and social networks. After interpersonal is the organizational level, which makes up the social institutions and organizations a person belongs to. Outside of organizational is the community level, which refers to the relationships a person has among organizations. Lastly, the outside layer of the ecological model is the societal level, which refers to the public policy implemented at the national, state, and local levels (Warner, 2013, pp. 13-18). This paper will address the dissimilar access to care between the Hispanic and white non-Hispanic populations by examining the organizational, interpersonal, and societal levels of the ecological model. The dissimilar care leads to higher prevalence of certain health issues like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many others. The term Hispanic is used to describe a perso...
This initiative seeks to reach youth in all areas of their environment. Children spend a great deal of time in school. The CDC made schools the focus of its work. Each year the CDC releases a report called the School Health Policies and Practices Study. This study measures what health-related courses are taught in school and the components of the courses, and the effectiveness of nutritional and health policies. The most recent data compiled by the School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) suggests that the nation’s school are doing a better job educating school- age children in the areas of alcohol and drug prevention, emotional and mental, infectious disease prevention and strategies to prevent suicide and violence (CDC,
Ecological theory is a theory developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner that states that the “systems” around you are vitally important in human development. Within the theory there are many systems including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. Each system is defined by a different aspect of a person’s surroundings that would affect their development. The systems begin with the aspect that is closest to you, your day-to-day life. The Microsystem includes all of the places, people, and experiences that are found in your daily life. These include school, work, parents. friends, neighbors, and so forth. The next most impactful system is the exosystem. The mesosystem is defined by two entities within your microsysytem affecting each other. The next system is called the exosystem. The exosystem is full of things that don’t affect you directly but will eventually
Since being developed by Bronfenbrenner in 1979 social ecological perspectives have been widely used to formulate practice guidelines and government policies when planning service needs for children, young people and their families. This essay will discuss what a social ecological perspective consists of, what limitations it may incur and how it can assist us in developing best practice and understanding when working with children, young people and families. It will draw on examples from K218 for illustrative purposes.
The case I will be using is about a man named Tyrone Howard who has allegedly shot at a police officer named Randolph Holder. According to the article Howard was already being pursued by officials in another shooting that took place in September. He had been trying to avoid officers during this time until he had crossed paths with Holder and Wallace, another officer with him, and at this point shot Holder. The theories I will be using are psychological and social ecology. The models I am using will be the medical and social.
The social model focus is on policies, education and health promotion and goes beyond the focus of lifestyles and behaviour and accepts the need for social change to provide prerequisites for health. It was developed in the late 1970’s 1980’s as some members of the community were not experiencing the same levels of health as others despite the understanding of the impact of lifestyle and behaviours on health.
UPenn, e. (n.d.). Health Behavior and Health Education. Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved April 21, 2014, from http://www.med.upenn.edu/hbhe4/part4-ch15-organizational-development-theory.shtml
The initial step involved in the development of a health promotion program is to conduct what is known as a needs assessment. The purpose of the needs assessment is to collect data regarding the health needs of individuals. In addition to this, the needs assessment helps with determining a place to support the program as well as the resources that will provide the status on the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program. Furthermore, the results from the needs assessment provide a basis towards the effort in planning a health promotion program which will focus on the health issue(s) and concern(s) which have been identified by the needs assessment (Fertman & Allensworth, 2010).
The question now is how to take action and go about this change to increase healthy lifestyles. We have two approaches to help us achieve this goal. The individualist approach explains people’s ability to exercise a good amount of control over their own health (Bandura, 2004). Basically, the individualist approach says each person should be held accountable in maintaining his or her own health. On the other hand, societal approach seeks to help people raise their efficacy in their own beliefs. This includes changing social, political and environmental conditions to avoid current and future health risks. This can be done in a number of ways. The first would be spreading information on how practicing daily healthy habits have a positive result on health. The second takes a different approach and works to provoke fear of disease. The third is informing individuals of their vulnerability and risk to a disease. Basically, just because you are healthy now does not mean you will remain that way without taking necessary precautions. Some people feel an individualist approach is more important than a societal approach and vice versa. However, I feel they are completely correlated and one cannot exist without the other. Societal approaches work to educate and inspire people to make health changes, but these changes will never be made unless
Political ecology began in the 1960s as a response to the neglect of the environment and political externalities from which it is spawned. Political ecology is the analysis of social forms and humans organizations that interact with the environment, the phenomena in and affecting the developing world. Political ecology also works to provide critiques and alternatives for negative reactions in the environment. This line of work draws from all sorts of fields, such as geography, forestry, environmental sociology, and environmental history in a complex relationship between politics, nature, and economics. It is a multi-sided field where power strategies are conceived to remove the unsustainable modern rationality and instead mobilize social actions in the globalized world for a sustainable future. The field is focused in political ethics to refresh sustainability, and the core questions of the relationships between society and ecology, and the large impacts of globalization of humanized nature.
Moody, J. (2011). Strengthening prevention program theories strengthening prevention program theories. Society for Prevention Research, 349-360.