Sally's Beauty Store Observation

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Observation Essay Customer Service is practiced daily by all retail companies. Whether, the company is a big corporation or a small family owned business. The customer service skills of the employees as well as the training that is received through the company will determine the atmosphere of a customer’s shopping experience. Part of the shopping experience is reflected from a customer/employee relationship. This form of relationship is built through communication and trust that a customer has for the employee. Knowledge and confidence about a product from an employee will give the customer approval of the purchase they will soon be making. There are numerous reasons that would conclude a customer’s retail experience with a positive or negative outcome. The best way to witness different forms of customer service within companies is to make your own observation by actually going into a retail store. I personally enter a retail store with a positive mind and expectations of a friendly and welcoming environment. I chose to observe Sally’s Beauty Store which is a store I frequently purchase items from. …show more content…

There are about a dozen Sally’s Beauty Supply stores within the southern Louisiana region. This retail beauty store is popular for the many professional products that are provided. Consumers are allowed to have access to most of the same products that many licensed cosmetologist have. By allowing consumers to have those privileges would give a customer, whom is not a professional, an impression of being equal to those professionals. Most products that are available are for professional use only. Therefore, this store was chosen because of the variety of people that frequent the store daily in which many forms of customer

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