Reponsibilities of a Recreational Sports Manager

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Recreational sports management is a highly disciplined profession and competition for jobs can be tough, therefore relevant academic qualifications and practical working experience by volunteering in sports organizations is a definite advantage. During the course of my Master’s Degree in Recreational and Tourism program, I would like to gain some experience in this field by working at California State University sports & recreation center. After graduating, my choice of career in recreational sports is the management of a Professional Tennis Club and Training center. I’m confident that with the masters degree in Recreational Sports management academics along with some practical experience, I will be able to get a job in the Tennis club environment. I understand that It will take me sometime to learn all aspects of managements and operations of a tennis club , But eventually I will reach the position of a manager. I would like to work in sports facility which is focused on one specific sport, because it gives a way to learn and develop skill in a less complicated environment. Tennis is one of the most recognized international sport, with many nationals and international competitions. I have played Tennis during my high school and community college. I really like tennis as a sports and have a good understanding of its rules and regulation. In addition, I follow the tennis tournaments such as US Open, Wimbledon, ATP tour , Davis Cup etc. Many parents register their kids for early training in tennis clubs to start their professional careers , while many amateur and professional tennis players need a well maintained facility for recreational play or training for competitions. Mary Helen Sprecher of Tennis Industry Magazine states ...

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...onstitutional law works in the club environment. I now understand the value of trademark and copyright and it can be useful to avoid any conflicts or misunderstand with other brands. But most importantly, this course has warned and advised me to be disciplined and avoid negligence in the field of recreational sports, because it can causes harm to other people as well as myself. This course has shown me ways to transfer risk through insurance and consent form, which is an important help, but it should not be over used or depended upon. I should do my duty to provide the safe, healthy and entertaining environment for the members of club and the staff. Finally, the lessons of this course can be applied to not just to a position for recreational sport manager, but any managerial job, where the safety, environment and interaction of the people is the primary concern.

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