Reflection Paper

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Throughout life, we all face countless changes that result in being either lessons or blessings. We endure hardships, or we triumph when we are faced with a change. I believe the choices we make in life are what push changes to come about. By way of example, I made the brave choice to leave this world behind, and give my whole life to my Savior, Jesus Christ.
As a young girl, I was raised in the church, and I have always loved being in God’s house every opportunity that is given to me. My grandfather is the preacher, and my father is a Sunday School teacher at my church, Union Baptist. Their positive influences on my life are what pushed me to consider this drastic change of lifestyle. I constantly admired their love for The Lord, and I craved that feeling; one could even say I was jealous of the strong bond of unending love. It was not until July 14, 2011 that I finally decided that I did not want to live another day without having Jesus in my heart. July 14th seemed to be just another normal Saturday until I attended an unusual worship service at my church. During this service, I felt the …show more content…

They each gently placed their hands upon me and prayed; consequently, a rush of overwhelming joy came over me, and in that precious moment, I could not think of anything more heart warming. After the prayer, we walked to the pool of water where I would be washed clean in. I held on to my grandfather’s hand as he slowly guided me into the warm water, this made the event even more special. “I baptize you in Jesus’ Holy name” was the last thing I heard before I was propelled into the water. At last, I knew my sins were washed away, and I was a new person in Christ. From that day forward, I have experienced a change in my life everyday. Everyday, God shows me something new to live by, but more importantly, He helps me to overcome any obstacle that life throws my

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