Dan Erlander's Baptized We Live

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Lord and Savior are we really realizing baptism as the sacrament, the means, God’s grace that is poured into our parched every day lives like refreshing, renewing, revitalizing water? Do we have such evidence in your life and mine? What is it that prevents us from realization of our own baptism as special as our Lord’s? We have received the Spirit and power of God through the water and the word. The word of promise. The word of power. We have been baptized into Christ. That is all that matters.
Dan Erlander in his book Baptized we live expresses beautifully what baptism is—a personal and corporate discipleship, congregational mission and outreach. “In the baptismal water we died with Christ, we are crucified and buried in order that we might be raised with Christ to live the new life, to dwell in a new reality, a new order of existence.
Because of baptism we are Christians. We are Christians because God called us by name. Through water and through his own baptism God washed us and grafted us into Christ. Our identity for all the days of our life is set. We are children of God, disciples of Christ, a holy nation, the communion of Saints, most importantly proclaimers of the wonderful deeds of God. Jesus story becomes our story. Baptized into his death we are raised to live as the body of Christ.” …show more content…

When we doubt and despair, let us remember God has given us his promise in baptism. When we feel lost and lonely, let us remember we have a father who knows us before we were formed in the womb and has named us and known us in our baptism. When we stumble in our sins and stammer in our confession let us remember in our baptism we who are guilty have received grace. Nothing can take this gift of God from us. It is a one-time event once for all. For in our baptism, as with our Lord’s, God has said, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well

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